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tions to surround the bus.

She said, “Mickey, I can’t call the senators.”

“You can’t?” he screamed. “Or you won’t?”

Larson said, “I don’t make these kinds of calls, Mickey. But there’s no way we’re going to let a senator anywhere near you and your bomb.”

His jaw clenched. He looked out the windshield, and back at the cop.

“Get them on the Senate steps then. And give me a bullhorn.”

Larson started to shake her head, but I yelled, “Call, Officer. See if it’s possible.”

I was standing again. Larson could see me through the windows. She hesitated, but then nodded. “I’ll ask, Dr. Cross.”

When she disappeared back inside the bunker, I said, “If you get your chance to talk to them, Mickey, you’ll let us go?”

He shook his head and said, “I want to see some action.”

Before I could reply, Larson exited the bunker again. “I’m sorry, Mickey, but they won’t allow it.”

His jaw tensed again as he struggled for another option. But then he straightened and gave Larson a sorry look. “I guess I have to make a different kind of statement then, don’t I?”

He held up the cell phone, and looked back at me. “Sorry I had to hack into Jannie’s phone, Dr. Cross. I always liked her.”

I saw flickers of anger, fear, and despair in his face. I’d seen the same in Kate Williams’s face when we first met. I understood he was suicidal.

“Don’t, Mickey!” I said.

“Too late,” Mickey said. He moved his thumb to the screen.

Chapter 33

There was a flash of brilliant light, and I started to duck—but then I saw it was behind Mickey. For a moment the kid was silhouetted there.

I felt sure there would be a blast. We were going to die.

Then Kate Williams stood and yelled, “The bullhorn’s behind you, Mickey!”

The teen looked confused, then glanced over his shoulder through the windshield. There were news cameramen running toward the bus, klieg lights flaring in the rain, and satellite trucks following.

“Go, Mickey!” Kate shouted. “Before they figure it out!”

Mickey stared at her as they shared an understanding that eluded me, then addressed Gordon Light. “Open the door!”

The driver pushed a button. The front and rear doors whooshed open. Mickey looked at us. “Sorry it had to come to this.”

He climbed out.

I waited two seconds before I ran forward, saying, “Everyone out the back, and move away. Now.”

The other passengers lunged for the rear exit. I went out the front door, and watched Mickey Hawkes go toward the barrier that blocked access to the Capitol, his jacket open, exposing the vest.

Officer Larson was aiming her rifle at him. “Not a step further, Mickey.”

He stopped at the thick, solid steel barrier, which came up to the bottom of the vest, and stood there squinting as the cameras and lights came within yards and formed in a ragged semicircle facing him. Kate climbed from the bus and stood by me.

“You should get out of here,” I said.
