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Before Jimmy could process what was happening, I snatched the bottle from his hand, lifted it high into the air and smashed it against the side of his head with all my might. Shards of glass and amber liquid flew in all directions and scattered across the floor.

“What the…” Jimmy cried out as he stumbled then fell to his knees. He placed a hand to his head, where blood was seeping down the side of his face. “Stupid bitch! I'll fuckin' kill you.” Not giving him time to rise, I gave him a hard shove in the chest with my foot and sent him sprawling to his back. I straddled his sides and pinned his biceps with my knees. I grabbed a large piece of broken glass, and held the point to his throat.

“I’m sick of you threatenin’ me.” I said through clenched teeth. “I’m sick of having you in my life.” My wrist shook as a droplet of blood slid along his neck where the point had made a tiny puncture. “Why won’t you just leave me alone? I asked you to leave me alone!” I cried out on the brink of hysteria.

Jimmy was trying to say something but his words were drowned out by the crashing of the front door. I lifted my head up to see Hal stepping through the rubble, with rage on his face. It was in that moment that I felt the most intense relief. My hero was here and I knew I was safe.

Chapter Sixteen

As soon as Hal stepped inside, he stomped a heavy boot onto Jimmy’s chest as he tugged me up, then the cops were storming in, followed by a frantic Elizabeth.

“I’m sorry, Annie. He pushed me out the door! I didn’t want to leave the boys but he made me!” She threw her arms around me and bawled. I was standing there holding her in shock as I tried to take in everything that was happening. The cops were shouting commands to Jimmy, Hal was yelling obscenities, then the cops were forcing Hal to go outside. Amid all the chaos, Elizabeth gasped and threw a hand to her mouth.

“Oh God, the boys, Annie! Are they alright?”

That was a good question. I hurried down the hall to their bedroom with my heart in my throat.

Please be okay.

I threw open the door to see my youngest sitting up in his crib and crying. His tiny sleepy face told me that the recent commotion had woken him. My oldest boy, however, was out for the count as he lay there tangled in his blankets, with a foot hanging off the bed and one arm over his eyes.

I realized in that moment just how truly lucky I was to have it all. My babies were safe and sound, and I had a second

chance to do things right with a man like Hal who would take care of my heart.


After the cops were gone, Hal made sure the door was back in place as best he could and promised to buy a new one in the morning. I’d put the baby back to sleep and Elizabeth’s boyfriend came to pick her up. Since Jimmy violated the restraining order, and had several other warrants that had finally caught up to him, he was going to jail for a while and I felt a lot safer knowing that. The cops saw I was defending myself so no charges were pressed against me.

“You okay?” I asked as I sat down on the couch beside Hal who was flipping through channels on the television. He insisted on waiting while I took a long shower in order to get my head together. It was exactly what I needed. Just knowing he was there helped calm my nerves.

“Me? You went through all of that and you’re worried about me?” He scoffed and tossed the remote on the coffee table. “Darlin', I should be asking you how you’re doing.”

“I’m fine.” A shiver went through my body as I let go of the last bit of strength I had been using to hold myself together. A girl can only take on so much. I stared down at my lap, as tears worked their way down my cheeks and onto the back of my clasped hands. The adrenaline was wearing off and suddenly I felt cold and incredibly tired. I was faintly aware of Hal carrying me down the hall and placing me on the bed. I closed my eyes loving the feel of his strong arms holding me tight, and I lay there breathing him in and soaking up his warmth as I drifted off to sleep.


The faint light of morning filtered through the curtains and I blinked several times before shooting straight up to a sitting position.

“What time is it?” I gasped, having no clue how long I’d been sleeping.

“Relax, it’s not even six yet.” Hal mumbled beside me.

“In the morning?”

“Yes, in the morning,” he gently tugged me back until I was lying down again. “Now, go back to sleep, woman.” He buried his face in my hair and inhaled deeply as he pulled me closer to him. After a few minutes of silence, his breathing grew steady as he fell back to sleep. I chewed on my bottom lip for a while knowing that I was about to disrupt him.

I'd spent the past couple of months reflecting on myself and wondering what he saw in me. My life as he knew it was a mess and if it weren't for him, my kids would be with the pastor's family, and I would be sitting in jail. All of which I had no one to blame but myself. I'd chosen the path I was on and allowed people in my life who served no positive purpose. I didn't realize until I was about to lose it all, that I had the power all along. I also needed to know someone believed I could turn it all around, and the man lying beside me had.

“Hal?” Several seconds went by without a reply so I nudged him.


“Would you have turned me into the cops, you know, if I’d rejected your offer for the money?”

“What?” he opened his eyes and blinked a few times before focusing on me. “Why are you bringing that up?”

“Because it was probably the lowest point in my life and believe me, there are plenty to choose from.”
