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'We're in a pseudoscientific technobabble.'

'Ah!' replied Wilbur, having witnessed quite a few at MycroTech Developments. 'One of those.'

'What happens when the final back-up fails, Wilbur?'

'The nanodevice will be expelled into the atmosphere,' said Wilbur grimly. 'It is programmed to make strawberry-flavoured pudding mix and will continue to do so as long as it has organic material to work with. You, me, that table over there … Then, when someone comes to let us out in the morning, the machine will get to work on the outside.'

'How quickly?'

'Well,' said Wilbur, thinking hard, 'the device will make replicas of itself to carry out the work even faster, so the more organic matenal is swallowed up, the faster the process becomes. The entire planet? I'd give it about a week.'

'And nothing can stop it?'

'Nothing I know of,' he replied sadly. 'The best way to stop this is to not allow it to start – sort of minimum entry requirement for man-made disasters, really.'

'Aornis!' I shouted at the top of my voice. 'Where the hell are you?'

There was no reply.


And then she answered. But it was from such an unexpected quarter that I cried out in fright. She spoke to me – from my memory. It was as though a barrier had been lifted in my mind. The day on the Skyrail platform. The moment I first set eyes on Aornis. I thought it had only been a glimpse, but it wasn't. We had spoken together for several minutes as I waited for the shuttle. I cast my mind back and scanned the newly recovered memories as my palms grew sweaty. The answers had been there all along.

'Hello, Thursday,' said the young woman on the bench, dabbing her nose with a powder compact.

I walked over to her.

'You know my name?'

'I know a lot more than that. My name is Aornis Hades – you killed my brother.'

I tried not to let my surprise show.

'Self-defence, Miss Hades. If I could have taken him alive, I would have.'

'No member of the Hades family has been taken alive for over eighty-three generations.'

I thought about the twin puncture, the Skyrail ticket, all the chance happenings to get me on the platform.

'Are you manipulating coincidences, Hades?'

'Of course!' she replied as the shuttle hissed into the station. 'You're going to get on that shuttle and be shot accidentally by an SO-14 marksman. An ironic end, don't you think? Shot by one of your own?'

'What if I don't get on the Skyrail? What if I take you in right here and now?'

Aornis giggled.

'Dear Acheron was a fine and worthy Hades despite the fact he killed his brother – something Mother was very cut up about – but he was never truly aufait with some of the family's more diabolical attributes. You'll get on that train, Thursday – because you won't remember anything about this conversation.'

'Don't be ridiculous!' I laughed, but Aornis returned to her powder compact and I had got on the train.

'What is it? asked Wilbur, who had been staring at me as the memories of Aornis came flooding back.

'Recovered memories,' I replied grimly as the lights flickered. The first back-up generator had failed. I checked my watch. There were six minutes to go.

'Thursday?' murmured Wilbur, lower lip trembling. 'I'm frightened.'

'Me too, Will. Quiet a sec.'
