Page 12 of Crank (Crank 1)

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picked up speed

no limits, no top end,

just a high velocity rush

to madness.


everything changes.

Some might call it distorted reality,

but it’s exactly the place I need to be:

no mom,

Marie, ever more distant,

in her midlife quest for fame

no stepfather,

Scott, stern and heavy-handed

with unattainable expectations

no big sister,

Leigh, caught up in a tempest

of uncertain sexuality

no little brother,

Jake, spoiled and shameless

in his thievery of my niche.


there is only the person inside.

I’ve grown to like her better

than the stuck-up husk of me. She’s

not quite silent,

shouts obscenities just because

they roll so well off the tongue

not quite straight-A,

but talented in oh-so-many

enviable ways
