Page 188 of Crank (Crank 1)

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It’s an awesome rush. And you won’t

stay awake for days.

She handed me the stub of a Slurpee

straw and showed me how to hold it

just above one end of the V.

When it starts to smoke, suck fast.

Hold it in as long as you can.

Robyn held a match just below the

yellow powder. It browned, bubbled,

smoked. A waft traveled up the V.

Here it comes. Don’t let it get away.

Oh, God, that smells good!

It tasted nasty. But it took me higher

than ever before. The monster

pirouetted in my brain.

My turn. Don’t hold the match too

close to the foil. Crank can burn.

In seconds, Robyn was flying. Instant

bonding. She didn’t even blink when

I asked if she could score.

You’ve got the money, I can get the crank.

For a small finder’s fee, of course.

I expected no less. We planned to

meet up the next day. I went home,

feeling better than I had in a long, long time.

She Forgot to Mention

a couple of

rather important things:

Like how, if you exercised

1(riding my bike, for instance),
