Page 194 of Crank (Crank 1)

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so it would have looked pretty

damn suspicious to say I didn’t

want to go. Besides, I did want

to go. I just wanted to go high.

So when Mom reminded us at

dinner that we’d have to get

up early and dress in layers, I

cleared my throat as if to protest.

Instead I asked if I could invite

my friend Robyn to come along.

Again, I’d made the perfect

preemptory strike. Mom was

so happy I would participate

without incident that she not

only gave her blessing, but

let me ride in Robyn’s car.

Robyn Was Game

Scott’s company had box seats

and plenty of tickets. Robyn got

comp tix, with a can’t-beat view.

But that was only for starters.

You bet I’ll go. Those flyboys

are soooooo cute!

You can guess what we did on

the drive north of town. We

arrived, diamond-eyed,

behind dark sunglasses.

Aviator glasses. Ha! Hope those

pilots aren’t as wired as I am.

I hoped so, too. We sauntered
