Page 219 of Crank (Crank 1)

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to wake her up for dinner again?

“Let her sleep. If she’s really sick, she

needs the rest. Especially after last night.”

Okay. Just, please, try to keep

an open mind. And, Scott?

Thank you for caring.

Report Cards?

If grades were the criteria,

I would be in deep frigging dung.

Two weeks till “d” (for dung) day,

no way could I make up for how

I’d screwed up this quarter.

And if they were going to start

searching my room, I had some

serious stashing to do.

But I didn’t dare move, not

for a while. I stared off into

the dark, thinking about Chase.

No dates? Home straight after

school? How could I live without

seeing Chase?

Alone in my bed, I could taste

him, embrace him, feel his

skin, warm against my own.

There, as the house fell silent,

I could hear him tell me,

I love you, Kristina.

Live without him? They couldn’t

make me. Wouldn’t make me.

I would go to him that night.
