Page 174 of Glass (Crank 2)

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Okay, I didn’t know that, specifically,

but it doesn’t surprise me. Part of me

is revolted, part fascinated. What kind

of videos, exactly? Do I know any

of the girls? Would I ever stoop that

low? [How much does it pay, anyway?]

I formulate a careful answer.

“Uh, I don’t really think so. Not now,

anyway. I’m still getting my figure

back, and I don’t have a lot of spare

time, with the baby and all.

But I’ll think about it, okay?”

We Leave It at That

And it isn’t until I run to

the bank on my lunch break

that it comes to me Kevin

thinks I’m some sort of whore.

I don’t see myself that way at all.

Open-minded, yes. A druggie, sometimes.

An unwed teen mother, for sure. But

a sleep-around? No way. Never.

So why am I so hot for Trey?

Sex with him is definitely not

out of the question. Maybe even

tonight. So am I a whore?

[I am!] But I’m not. I want more

than just sex. I want a relationship—

someone to love and to love me.

Will Trey be that? I don’t know.

The attraction between us is sexual,
