Page 175 of Glass (Crank 2)

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yes. But I think there’s something

more. I thought so the first time

we met, and yesterday confirmed it.

He could have played games. Didn’t.

He could have played rough. Didn’t.

He could have insisted all tweakers

are whores, one way or another.

The glass makes me brave, sends

waves of sensuality throughout my

body. I know being with Trey will

be incredible. But will it be only once?

Because once will not be enough.

Or maybe it will be way too much.

Either way, thinking about it makes

me believe I’m not a whore.

The Rest of the Day

Goes fast. Goes incredibly slow.

Midafternoon, Trey calls.

Hey, you. We still on for ton


Great. We’re all set up, good to go.

Where and when can we meet?

His voice sends chills through

my body. Good chills. “Give

me some time to run home

and clean up. How about five

thirty at the Starbucks on Mount Rose?”

Five thirty it is. But I doubt

you’ll need coffee. He hesitates,

as if deciding what to say.
