Page 225 of Glass (Crank 2)

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Brown Christmas. I can’t see the TV,

but the music is unmistakable.

Brad looks my direction, smiles.

I wave him over and he follows

me into the kitchen, where I hand

him a crisp hundred. “This week

and next week,” I explain. “I lost

my job today, so I’ll have to find

another one. Didn’t want you to

get shorted in the meantime.”

[How adult of you, especially

considering you’re just about broke.]

Lost your job? What happened?

I already figured this part out.

Might not be the best idea

to tell him I didn’t want to work

Christmas. “The store manager

is a total letch. He won’t keep

his hands off me. So I quit.”

That sucks. You could probably

sue him, you know.

“Sure, if I could afford a lawyer.

Anyway, how would I prove it,

and would I really want his lawyer

to start digging up dirt on me?”

Good point. Well, thanks for the money.

You’re welcome to join the girls

and me for yet another encore

of A Christmas Story. They’ve seen

it three times already, but you know…
