Page 226 of Glass (Crank 2)

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“Thanks, Brad. But I ran into an old

friend whose band is playing at some

new club in town. He invited me to drop

by. I thought I’d go check it out.”

Wow. He looks really disappointed.

Be careful. They’re calling for—

“Snow. I know. I’ll keep an eye out,

and if it starts to snow, I promise

I’ll come straight home, okay?”

Did I just call this place home?

And why would I promise to

come straight here? Why

would I promise Brad anything?

He’s not my dad. Not my boyfriend.

[But more than a landlord, no?]

One Shower

And three solid tokes later,

I’m off to Reno. The sky is dark,

no moon, stars, or planets in sight.

A storm is definitely brewing.

Trey is number one on my speed

dial. I give it a try but, as usual,

fall into his voice mail basket.

God, that is so annoying! Oh, well,

I feel pretty great, and I’m out

for the night, and isn’t this what

freedom is all about? I cruise

down Fourth, locate Dr. Nasty’s.

The name is perfect, the club

a dive. I dial Quade’s number, tell
