Page 229 of Glass (Crank 2)

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swallowing his eyes and pointy

(who knows why!) yellow teeth.

Anyway, it was fun. And I have to

admit, Trey or no Trey, my attraction

to Quade is stronger than ever.

Yeah, yeah, part of that’s being

buzzed and wanting to be kissed. More

is wanting that missed-chance kiss.

As I was leaving, Damian (Raccoon

Man) pulled me aside. Hey. Can you

score more of that crystal?

“Maybe,” I said. “But it isn’t cheap,”

added Bree, recognizing the chance

to make a little on the deal.

No problem. I’ll take a ball, if you

can get it. And I’d rather pay more

than get one that’s short.

A man [raccoon] after my own

heart. I don’t need to “borrow”

from his if I can come up with

some extra cash to apply to my own

account with Brad, who I’m

hoping will front me some.

Good thing I had plenty tonight,

to combat the alcohol. I had

half a dozen beers, something

I’ve never done before, and beyond

the high of the glass is a definite

three-point-eight low. That, plus

the pot, which I haven’t smoked
