Page 230 of Glass (Crank 2)

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since my days with Chase, have

combined to perhaps affect my driving.

I’m Crawling Home

like an old woman, working hard

to stay centered in my lane.

The car wants to veer right, then left.

But whether that’s because

of my condition, or weather conditions,

I’m not exactly sure.

It started to flurry before I left for Red

Rock. And now it’s coming

down faster, starting to stick to the asphalt.

The LTD is heavy, its tires

fully treaded. But there’s a long, steep

off-ramp ahead.

A nerve attack rattles my teeth. The hands

gripping the steering wheel

begin to shake, and when I try to stop them,

they don’t respond to my

commands, as if they belong to someone else.

[Get it together. This isn’t rocket

science. Remember what Scott told you about

driving in snow.]

Okay, stop sign ahead. Pump the brakes.

Wait! Was that don’t

pump the brakes? Shit! I choose middle

ground, slide to a stop,

turn the corner gradually, head for Brad’s.

Wow. That wasn’t so bad.

Looks like it’s been snowing longer here, though.
