Page 268 of Glass (Crank 2)

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If I wasn’t with you, I’d be with her.


That schizoid, blank-brain state

that accompanies

every total crash. Forcing yourself

into that state

because you know you have to

crash or die.

Sweating. Shaking. Running

to the bathroom.


Remembering Leigh’s words:

Throwing up? Kristina, you’re not…

I Haven’t Mentioned the Possibility

To Trey, because I don’t really believe

it’s possible. I mean, I haven’t even

had a period yet, not since giving birth.

Think, Kristina, back to eighth-grade sex ed.

How long after having a baby until you’re

fertile? Doesn’t breast-feeding delay that?

[Yeah, like yo

u breast-fed so long!]

Maybe it is possible. But not probable.

I guess I should go on the pill. But those

ob-gyn visits…I haven’t even gone in

for my postpartum checkup, and I wasn’t

supposed to have sex again until after

some icky doctor with plastered-on

concern put his gooey latex gloves

in unmentionable places; pushed
