Page 191 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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okay. And we’re not even all here.

Micah, not Michael. Good name.

But why is he being so nice?

“Funny. Our family is all here.”

Not exactly accurate. But close

enough to the truth, I guess.

Family is about connection.

Nothing wrong with a, uh,

compact family. Long as

you’re good to each other.

Are we good to each other?

Not bad, I suppose. But all

I can do in response is nod.

Silence closes in, squeezes.

Micah releases its grip. You do

look pretty in that skirt, you know.

Cheeks flaming, I stutter

something like, “Thanks,” just

as someone inside calls out,



Is laid out, buffet-style, on the long kitchen counters.

We form a line, help ourselves, then find places to sit.

The older adults claim the formal dining room, leaving

us younger people to choose our seats at folding

tables in the kitchen. I fill my plate sparingly, pick

a chair, wait to see if Aunt Cora will join me. She doesn’t.

But Micah does, sitting beside me. Do you mind?

I shake my head, making his recent compliment rattle

around inside my brain: Pretty in that skirt … pretty …
