Page 192 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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In the next room, Mr. Cregan recites grace and

before the amen, Micah’s thigh leans gently against

mine. This can’t be happening! But it is, and it’s warm,

and all those newly discovered body parts alert.

The conversation around me blurs to a buzz. I do

my best to tune out and eat my turkey and stuffing

without dripping gravy on my blouse or (pretty!) skirt.

This is just dumb. Not four hours ago, I was fantasizing

about a private Thanksgiving with Bryce. Now here

I am surrounded by Cregans and, for some unfathomable

reason, leg-to-leg with probably the best-looking member

of the clan. This cannot be happening. Maybe I’m asleep

and this is all a dream. Blood whooshes in my ears,

damping a gush of laughter. Somebody told a joke?

Suddenly metal clinks against glass, like a bell.

All attention turns toward the dining room, where

Aunt Cora and Liam are standing. Excuse us, but

we have some happy news, says Liam. Aunt Cora

catches my eye, smiles. We’re getting married.



Of a Thanksgiving meal,

Turkey Day treats, in his

vernacular, is going out

to my all-time favorite place,

(are you ready for this?)

Carrows. Best burgers, ever.

Burgers for Thanksgiving?

Poultry gives me the trots.

No pumpkin pie, either?
