Page 243 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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(Aunt Cora has already moved on.)

Marriage is nothing but a trap.

(Who said anything about marriage?)

A baby needs a mom and a dad.

(Not like Bryce would disappear.)

But what if he did disappear?

(Then I’d still have a baby to love.)


This one can include Bryce and me

in the kitchen, only with a baby,

sleeping soundly in a pink nursery.

A little girl.

I feed Bryce breakfast, kiss him

good-bye. He heads on out the door

to work. The baby wakes.

Wanting her mommy.

I breastfeed her, change her,

put her in a pretty, soft dress.

Take her to the park in a stroller.

Everyone wants to see her.

She’s a model baby. Hardly

ever cries. Has my red hair

and Bryce’s hazel eyes.

The perfect combo.


I am all about order.

Dryer buzzes.

Remove sheets immediately.

Fold, wrinkle-free, perfect corners.

What is a baby?
