Page 326 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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know how to make it happen.”

You can sneak out, right? His voice

trembles. I have to see you, Summer.

I’ll come early. Tomorrow. Give me

the address there. I’ll MapQuest it.

I hear a door close, bear-heavy

footsteps. “I’ve got to go! Call me

when you’re getting close.” I hang

up, just as Walter clunks down

the hall. His face pokes through

the doorway, all feral eyes and licking

lips. I pretend I’m waking up from

a flu-induced nap. “Ugh. Gotta puke.”


Is filled with

excited squeals

peals of laughter

sisterly whispers

Bear growls and

Tanya squeaks.

I lie in bed

trying not to listen

trying not to get up

trying not to obsess

about seeing Kyle

in just a few hours.

My head spins

dizzy with love

dizzy with hope

dizzy with strategy
