Page 325 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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for her, but couldn’t stomach the idea

of traipsing around Wal-Mart. So I faked

sick. Asked Tanya to pick one up.

Walter is puttering around the garage,

playing with his tools (or something else).

This is what I’ve been hoping for—a few

private minutes to try and call Kyle.

But when I dig out my cell, there’s

a message waiting for me. From him.

Summer. Call me. Please. Can’t stand …

Can’t stand not having you with me.

His voice trembles. Crying? My own

tears start to fall as I think about

his arms around me. The comfort

of his kiss. All this love, wasting …

I speed dial his number. He answers

almost immediately, as if waiting

for my call. Summer? How are you?

Oh God, I’ve missed you so much.

“I’ve missed you, too. I’m okay….”

We spend a few minutes talking.

I tell him about the blonde and the bear

and my faux sisters. He tells me about

coming to Fresno to visit his aunt

for the holidays. I have to see you.

Maybe we can get together

while I’m there. What do you think?

Get together? How? I’m pretty sure

dating is a solid foster care taboo.

“You know I want to, but I don’t
