Page 335 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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Pulls her spine straight,

making her still nowhere near

as tall as me. Yet her presence

seems larger than life.

Do you have any idea why

Leigh isn’t here yet?

I shake my head. Smile.

“Didn’t want to ask. I figured

once she got here, I’d end

up sleeping on the floor.”

She laughs. Futon, remember?

Then she gets serious again.

You know Leigh has never really

forgiven her father, right?

Well, Wayne was recently arrested

for a large quantity of marijuana.

He cooperated with authorities,

and they left him on house arrest,

which turned out to be a good

thing because he just had a major

heart attack. It wasn’t his first, and

they don’t think he’s going to make

it. Leigh flew back to Albuquerque

to basically say good-bye.

Wow. I’m sort of stunned.

He is my grandfather and now

I’ll never get to know him. Not

that I ever wanted to know him,

because of the things that happened
