Page 442 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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of the paperwork. We should

probably hit the highway soon.

Was good meeting you, Kyle.

I don’t want to leave, but I know

I have to go. I give Kyle a long,

sweet kiss. “I wish I could stay, but …”

No. Go on. We’ll talk when you get

back…. He pauses there. Neither

of us knows when or where I’ll get

back to. Merry Christmas. I love you.


And without looking back,

I go to find Grandpa.

He’s at the nurses’ station,

where he has dropped a signed

copy of Grandma Marie’s latest

book for Officer Strohmeyer

to come pick up later. I watch

Grandpa Scott totally schmooze

a plus-size nurse with orange

hair. I’m sure we can find

another copy for you. Write

down your address and I’ll make

sure you get one. I can pull

strings with the author. He winks,

turns to me. Ready to go?

Before I know it, we’re out

the door and in Grandpa’s new

Lexus SUV, cruising toward Christmas

dinner, me fiddling with the seat
