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‘And?’ Her teasing became bolder.

‘And because I desire you more than any other woman.’ His eyes were darker than ever, the message of promised passion within them unmistakable. And didn’t she desire him too? Want him with a passion she’d never known possible until he’d come into her life?

‘And if I don’t want to be that woman?’ She challenged him, hurt blazing a trail through her as she remembered the time she’d first said words of love to him, fooled by their desire into letting him know that she was emotionally committed to him in a way he’d later made clear he didn’t want.

‘I think that you do.’ He brushed his lips over hers again and just as moments ago a soft sigh escaped her. She didn’t want to respond, didn’t want to convey her compliance with his wishes to him quite so emphatically, but she couldn’t help herself. The bold, teasing woman was gone, the passionate woman who loved him had returned. Whatever it was between them was still there, so didn’t that make staying married for the sake of the baby easier? If passion had once brought them together could it now bind them once more?

‘I’m not so sure,’ she said in a soft provocative whisper and smiled at him. ‘I think you might just have to prove that to me.’

It was just like that night two months ago, the night her baby had been conceived, all over again. One kiss, one caress and she became a melting puddle of need at his feet. She hated herself for wanting him, for wishing it could be more, but surely two parents who got on like this would be better than a family torn apart, living very different lives. Her own childhood had been like that and she didn’t want the same for her baby.

‘I do, do I?’ He laughed softly, a sexy deep sound that didn’t quite mask the words he’d just said to her, words he’d said once before but hadn’t truly meant.

‘Yes, you do.’ She pushed all her misgivings to the back of her mind. They had agreed on being together until New Year’s Eve and maybe that was just enough time to convince him there was more to their marriage—more to them—than passion.

‘In that case…’ He swept her from her feet and headed for the bedroom and the excitement in Lisa’s body intensified. She loved this man, wanted him with a passion, and all she had to do was break through his barriers and make him see that, make him feel it.

She looked around her as he placed her on the large bed covered in a festive throw and on the wall above it a trail of twinkling lights. Parcels done up with bright red ribbons adorned the window sill and beyond the cottage the darkness of the night was sparkled with stars. It was all so perfect, so romantic and she couldn’t help but lose herself in the moment. There might never be another like it, not with this man, the man she’d given her heart unconditionally to the day they’d met, the man who even now still held it—and always would.

She looked at him, deep into his eyes. ‘It’s Christmas Eve, Max. I want to forget everything else, to enjoy the magic that’s here in the cottage. Tonight all I want is you.’

‘How can I resist that?’ The feral tone of his voice left her in no doubt that he wanted her too.

‘Then don’t.’ She reached up and touched his face, belatedly realising what a loving gesture it was and sliding her fingers into his hair instead. To hide the rising emotions within her, she kissed him. Hard. Demanding his response. When it came, it took her breath away.

‘Never,’ he said against her lips, sending her heart-rate soaring. His arms pulled her close and, to cover up the love that was threatening to erupt within her, she slid her hands down his chest, to the suit jacket he wore, and pushed it off his shoulders as she had done with his overcoat.

This time, the heat of his body scorched her palms, pushing her on in the increasing heat of the dance of desire. As she kissed him, her tongue entwining with his, she pulled off his tie and opened his shirt buttons, until her hands touched the firmness of his chest.

He broke the kiss, with words of Spanish she didn’t understand, but she couldn’t allow him to see her face, couldn’t allow him to look into her eyes, not if she wanted to conceal the truth of her feelings for him. Whatever else happened tonight, he must not think she still hankered after love and happy ever afters with him. Keeping that to herself would give her strength and badly needed control.

‘I have no idea what you just said,’ she teased as she pulled back from him, glancing briefly into his desire-filled eyes before she pressed her lips to his chest.

‘That you are a temptress and, I might add, you are wearing far too many clothes.’ The deep guttural sound of his voice sent razor-sharp pins into her heart and at the same time set loose the heavy throb of desire from deep within her.

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