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Further talk of babies was halted as Max returned to their table, soon followed by Raul. The two men were immaculate in their tuxedos and had commanded equal attention as they’d moved around the room, mingling with their guests.

‘Have you seen Angelina?’ Max asked as he sat back and surveyed the guests.

Lisa had seen her. She’d been in the arms of the Greek that Max and Raul had been in recent business negotiations with. Although she wasn’t sure Max would welcome such news. He was fiercely protective of his sister despite the way she continued to keep him at arm’s length. He had tried to mend things with her, but the pain and heartache she’d known was so deep. Lisa briefly thought of saying nothing, of leaving him in ignorance of the obvious attraction between the two, but that night two years ago they’d made a promise to never keep anything from each other again.

‘She was dancing with Vasilios Christakis a while ago,’ she said lightly, trying to play the situation down.

‘I had no idea she knew Vasilios?’ Max frowned.

‘They’ve had a few dances, that’s all.’ Lisa had seen the connection between them, that same spark of instant attraction she’d felt when she’d met Max.

‘Where is she now?’

‘Max,’ Lisa said softly as she placed her hand on his arm. The usual frisson of awareness rushed through her. ‘She’s twenty-three now. She has to make her own choices.’

‘Vasilios Christakis will never be good enough for my little sister,’ he said in a low and menacing voice. ‘He may be wealthy and have a good reputation as a businessman, but he certainly doesn’t where women are concerned.’

‘Will anyone ever be good enough for Angelina in your eyes? I doubt it.’

‘You’re right,’ he conceded with a sigh.

‘You’ll be the same with Lilly,’ Raul added for good measure. ‘In about twenty years’ time.’

Max glared at Raul, but both Lydia and Lisa laughed, knowing they were fooling around as they often did. Nobody could ever guess they’d only met two years ago.

‘And what about you, Raul? If you have a little girl you will be her most fierce protector.’ Max goaded his brother just a little more and Lydia caught Lisa’s attention with a knowing smile.

‘Then I will be the same,’ Raul replied firmly, a hint of a smile on his lips.

‘I’ve had enough of this for now. I’m going to dance with my wife while I have her to myself.’ Max stood up and took Lisa’s hand, pulling her to her feet gently then looking again at his brother. ‘That, little brother, is something you are soon going to have to get used to because once that baby arrives it will take up all your wife’s attention.’

‘Stop teasing, Max,’ Lisa chided and began to walk to the dance floor, pulling on Max’s hand, forcing him away from the expectant parents.

The music was slow and Max took her in his arms, holding her tight against his body so that she could feel every step he made. ‘I hope Lilly is all right.’

‘Max, stop fretting, she’s fine. She has the best nanny ever. You made sure of that.’

‘You’re right.’ He pressed his lips against hers and she sighed softly. The last two years had been so good, so happy. It was hard to remember the pain and heartache of that Christmas when she’d told him he was going to be a father.

‘Do you remember we promised not to keep any secrets?’ There was a light teasing in his voice, but her mind flew instantly to what she and Lydia had just been discussing. Had he heard them?

‘Of course I do.’

‘So is there anything you want to tell me?’

She put her head to one side and looked at him coyly. ‘Like what?’

‘Like why you are not indulging in the champagne this evening?’

She smiled. ‘I was saving it until midnight and now you’ve spoilt the surprise.’

His eyes narrowed in suspicion briefly then a smile spread across his lips and lit up his eyes, like the night sky full of stars. ‘Are you…?’ He stumbled over the words.

‘Yes, Max. I’m pregnant. You are going to be a father again.’


‘It’s still early days yet, but by the end of July.’

‘Another summer baby. Have I told you how much I love you, Lisa Martinez?’

‘Often!’ She laughed as he dropped a light kiss on her lips. ‘But I don’t mind hearing it some more.’

‘I love you, Lisa, with all my heart. You, Lilly and our new baby are my world.’

The kiss he gave her was so powerful, so full of love she knew without a doubt how happy he was. She kissed him back, not caring they were now standing in the middle of the dance floor kissing passionately. In fact it was becoming a bit of a habit.
