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‘I don’t know...’ she said, shaking her head.

Damn the woman—she was forcing him to strike a deal for his child.

‘Well, you’d better think fast.’

He watched her face, saw the ever-changing expressions, holding her captive with his glare.

‘Did you ever consider marriage when we had our romantic fling in the summer? Our holiday affair?’

Her voice was sharp and strong, but it was her pale face that told him she was having as much difficulty with this as he was. So she should. What woman would consider giving away her child? One just like his mother.

‘You don’t even love me.’

‘Love has nothing to do with it.’ He moderated his tone, aware of his anger rising once more.

‘So why do we have to get married?’ The disbelief in her voice was more than clear.

‘Marriage has never been on my agenda.’

That much was true. After living in the shadow of his parents’ marital breakdown he’d written that idea off as a young man, preferring to enjoy the company of woman without complication and commitment. He only sought the pleasure of a woman’s company for fun. Purely carnal. Nothing more. Which was exactly what he’d been doing with Serena during her stay on the island.

‘And being a father?’

She dropped the question so lightly between them he almost didn’t hear it.

‘I will be a father to my child.’ He evaded her question and the truth that lay buried within him. He wanted to be a father—to have his child grow up in a world of love and happiness—but he was sceptical that such happiness actually existed.

‘Make no mistake, Serena. My child will not be shuffled between countries like an unwanted Christmas present.’


SERENA STEPPED AWAY from Nikos—away from the anger of his words. ‘I can’t talk about this any more.’ She needed to put distance between them. ‘Maybe we should have this discussion tomorrow?’

He looked at her, unexpected concern in his eyes. ‘Perhaps that is best. When you are more rested you will be able to think rationally. Then you will accept that we should marry—for our baby.’

She bristled with indignation at his comment, sure his ability to use English hadn’t compromised his choice of words. She was perfectly rational, and she had no intention of marrying someone who didn’t love her.

‘Nothing will change.’

‘Where are you staying?’

Nikos asked the question lightly—a little too lightly—arousing her suspicions as to why he appeared to be giving in so easily.

He couldn’t be trusted. He’d proved that with his non-revelation about who he really was. She might not have looked him up on the internet before, but she certainly had now. The uneasy feeling that she was dealing with something much bigger than she’d anticipated filled her with dread. He’d concealed his identity, lied to her. Why? What would he have to gain by doing that?

‘In the same hotel.’

She spoke softly, trying not to think about the nights they’d spent in her room when she’d stayed there before. Why she’d insisted on the same room she didn’t know—romantic notions and memories of being there with the man she’d fallen in love with? Or was it because of the night she’d experienced love with Nikos for the first time?

He’d been gentle and kind then, accepting she was innocent but not knowing just how much. She had been sure he was the man she’d waited for. She’d loved him. She’d wanted him to make love to her because then he hadn’t been at all like the Nikos who now openly admitted deceiving her and was virtually forcing her into marriage.

‘Then we shall go there now and collect your bags.’

He moved towards her, taking her hand in his. She didn’t want to follow, to obey his command, but just the touch of his hand against hers sent a sizzle of heat scorching through her and she knew that, whatever the outcome of her visit to the island, there was still unfinished business between them. Her body still craved his, still imagined his caress, his kisses. Stupid as it was, she still loved him.

The hum of music from the bars and restaurants drifted on the warm night air as the sea became an inky blackness, melting into the star-filled sky. Despite the idyllic setting, the idea of walking hand in hand with Nikos felt anything but romantic. Intimidating, maybe—threatening, definitely—but she was powerless to stop it, unable to resist him.
