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Before she could answer his lips were on hers, insistent and powerful. Unable to resist, she gave in to what had been building between them all afternoon and met his kiss head-on with all her desire and love. What she felt for him was becoming too powerful to control, too intense to mask, but she was wary of letting him know. That solid wall, so impenetrable, was still firmly around him, and he showed no intention of letting her in.

She pushed those doubts to the back of her mind and gave herself up to his kisses. With a sigh of contentment she wrapped her arms about his neck, pulling herself ever closer, feeling the rising heat of his desire.

He broke the kiss, his face close to hers, and whispered, ‘I love that about you.’

Serena blinked in disbelief. Those first two words had shocked her, and then the final words had slammed into her and what he’d really meant had finally registered. He wasn’t telling her he loved her.

A weak smile played at her lips and an arrow of sorrow penetrated her heart. Would she ever hear real words of love from his lips? Words of love for her?

‘It’s not right,’ she said, and looked about her, searching for anything to change the subject. She came back to his grandmother. ‘Your grandmother’s house is so old.’

He stepped back from her, but kept her hands in his. ‘Do you really think I haven’t tried to tell her that?’

Softness had entered his eyes, but still her doubts remained. A man who was capable of blackmail as a prelude to marriage was capable of anything.

‘Her house is adorable, but so old, and all those steps...’ Was he that heartless?

His hands let go of hers, and before she could register what he was doing he’d cupped the back of her head and moved against her, his lips lingering over hers.

‘She wouldn’t leave her “adorable” little house, as you put it. I built this as a surprise for her, but she is stubborn and she has lived in that house for many years. When she wouldn’t leave it I employed young villagers to help her discreetly.’

Serena’s heart skipped a little beat. The uneasy suspicion that this was to have been a home for a past lover was quashed. She smiled, looking deep into his blue eyes. ‘Maybe you are not as ruthless as you like people to think.’

He frowned at her. ‘Don’t be fooled, Serena. I am nothing else.’ A hard edge had crept into his voice. Was he aware that he’d just dropped his guard, even if only briefly?

The arrow of sorrow slipped deeper into her heart. That was a warning. He’d never love her.

‘Have you ever loved?’ The question inadvertently slipped out, and instantly she wished she could snatch it back.

His brows dropped into an irritated frown, almost hiding his eyes, now an icy blue, from her. ‘No.’

His admission hurt. To hear it said aloud, when he kept whatever it was he felt for her tightly locked away, forced her eyes shut. She couldn’t look at him but she was trapped by his hold, unable to step away physically or emotionally.

His free hand lifted her chin, his fingers warm against her skin, and her eyes snapped open to see his darkened and swirling with passion.

‘Don’t waste your time looking for love, Serena. Our marriage is only a deal—for the sake of the baby. My heir must be legitimate. Nothing else is important.’

She tried to keep herself focused. She’d gone along with his plans, pushed aside the bitter taste of accepting his offer of money for Sally. She’d believed her love would be enough for both of them. Now she knew for certain it would have to be.

She nodded.

His smile held a hint of relief, as if he’d expected her to demand more from him than he was prepared to give. His thumb caressed her lips and she closed her eyes against the pleasure just that simple touch evoked.

Be brave, Serena. Be brave.

The advice Sally had given her filtered through her mind like water through limestone and she knew that was all she had left. Her love, her bravery and her sister’s happiness.

‘Let’s just focus on us—on the moment right now.’ She whispered the words, desperate not to think too much about the reality of what was happening and unaware that she’d voiced what was in her mind.

He pulled her roughly against him, pressing his lips to hers in a passionate and demanding kiss that she answered with every bit of love she felt for him. If she couldn’t say the words she would show her love in other ways. Tonight, at least, she would be brave.

A flourish of husky Greek rushed from him as he broke the kiss. She had no idea what he was saying, but she imagined they were words of love and kissed him deeply, forcing him back a step. His hands skimmed down her body, over her hips to her thighs, making her sigh with pleasure. She pushed her fingers into his thick hair, gripping it tightly as urgency overtook her. Tonight she wanted to lead this erotic dance, to show him how it could be if only he’d let her in.
