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‘Seb would be proud.’ Her soft voice was firm and she turned to those around her, the smile she’d been using all night firmly back in place. The shutters had rolled back.

* * *

Charlie looked at Alessandro, blinking back the tears that momentarily threatened. ‘Thank you.’ Her voice was almost a whisper and, despite the throng of people around them, eager to get a good look at the car, it seemed as if it was only them there.

He moved closer, his eyes holding hers, and her heartbeat sped to an alarming rate. His height and broad shoulders made her feel small and defenceless but the intensity in his eyes cancelled that and she basked in his bold desire for her.

‘Seb would also be proud of you.’ His gentle words focused her attention back on the task at hand, giving her a chance to quell the almost primal need racing through her, need that only he could satisfy. ‘You outshine the car.’

She laughed gently. ‘That’s not what I intended.’ She hadn’t. If she’d known the car was red she would have chosen a different colour dress, but red had been Seb’s favourite. ‘I should have known Seb would have wanted the car to be red.’

He didn’t say anything and worry flitted through her. His mouth was set in a firm line and she used the offer of more champagne to dilute the tension between them. He followed her lead and took a flute, clinking it against hers as he raised it to her. ‘To Seb.’

The tribute, spoken sternly, poured cooling water over the fire which was still raging inside her since the kiss a few hours ago outside his apartment. How did he manage to awaken her so completely yet still leave her yearning for more?

‘To Seb.’ She took a sip, her gaze remaining locked with his. Those flecks of bronze became more diluted as his eyes darkened again. Whatever was between them wasn’t going away; it was intensifying. Each glance, each touch and definitely each kiss increased the sizzle of attraction.

She couldn’t deny it any longer.

She didn’t want to deny it.

She wanted to be with him, wanted to feel his lips on hers and keep kissing him. She craved his touch and caresses, needed to feel his body against hers. But men like Alessandro Roselli, who had looks and wealth on their side, never wanted more than a brief affair. She’d learnt that the hard way, rebounding from a broken relationship with her childhood boyfriend into the arms of an up-and-coming racing driver, only to find he was using her to further his career.

Despite that, she still wanted to explore what was between them, but only if he didn’t want any kind of commitment from her. She didn’t want her heart exposed to pain. But would one night be enough to quench the thirst of desire?

‘It’s been a successful evening, grazie.’ His words dragged her attention back, his gaze a soft caress and his words so tender and warm, making her yearn to hear it as he kissed her again and again.

‘It’s not over yet.’ She couldn’t believe she’d said the words aloud, offering something she’d only just realised she wanted. Judging by the look of surprise on his face, neither could he. But it was what she wanted, she realised as she watched his expression change, riveted to the spot by her bluntness. She wanted to forget all reason and abandon herself to the pleasure of his kisses, his caresses.

He raised his glass fractionally, not breaking eye contact, and her stomach twisted into knots of excitement and apprehension. ‘Then I will drink to its continued success.’ His rich voice was vibrant and warmth surged through her faster than lightning.

Shyness took over, banishing the boldness that had made her promise something she wanted but knew she shouldn’t. She lowered her gaze and looked into her champagne as if the bubbles could give her the answers. ‘Sorry, I shouldn’t...’

Her words of apology, withdrawing her bold statement, were cut off by a familiar voice and she whirled around to see her father. He shook Alessandro’s hand warmly and she marvelled at the ease with which they greeted one another.

‘My flight was late.’ Her father smiled at her, seemingly unaware of the tension between her and Alessandro. ‘But I see you have done yourself—and Seb—proud.’

‘I didn’t know you were coming.’ She sent up a silent prayer of thanks. Her father’s arrival had stopped her from throwing herself at Alessandro and making a fool of herself into the bargain.

‘I’m not staying. I will be leaving for Rome in a few hours, but I had to come and see you emerge like a butterfly back into the real world, and what a very beautiful butterfly you are.’ He looked at her, his smile gentle, and she knew he really was proud and very pleased she’d stepped back into the limelight.

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