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He didn’t deserve any of this and had almost stopped, but his name on her lips, husky and seductive, had made that impossible. Quickly he pushed aside the guilt. She’d wanted this as much as he had, leading the seduction like a temptress.

In a bid to hide the turbulent emotions racing through him, he propped himself up over her and looked down into her flushed face. ‘You make love as wildly as you drive.’

She trailed her fingertips over his chest and looked up at him, coyness and temptation filling those emerald-green eyes. ‘Are you going to insist I stop again?’

He should do—this wasn’t what he’d imagined when he’d promised Seb he’d look out for his little sister, but then he hadn’t expected to be so attracted to her and certainly he’d never have guessed at the passion hidden within her.

Gently he kissed her, tenderness that he hadn’t felt for such a long time filling him. She responded, her kiss telling him that the fire of passion still burned within her, as it did inside him. He needed to cool things down, needed to calm the riot of emotions which raged within him. Emotions that were so intense and completely unwelcome.

‘Sì. For now.’ He pushed his protesting body away from hers, trying to ignore the wounded look on her beautiful face. Before he had a chance to question his motives, he left the bed and made his way to the bathroom.

Moments later, his face stinging from the cold water he’d splashed over it, he returned to the bedroom, but the bed was empty, the rumpled covers the only hint of the passion that had just played out there.

A rustle caught his attention and he looked towards the door where, clutching the red silk dress against her nakedness, Charlie stood. She was running away again. Was this what she always did? He should let her walk away—every rational sense inside him shouted the advice—but the hot-blooded man she’d resurrected wasn’t about to let her slip away from him now.

He strode over to her, heedless of his nakedness and empowered by the shock and need that filled her eyes. She still desired him, just as he desired her. This passion wasn’t spent yet.

‘Come back to bed, Charlotte.’ His voice was deep and raw, leaving him with the distinct impression that his emotions were as naked as he was.


He silenced the hoarse whisper by tilting her chin up and kissing her lips, still swollen from his earlier kisses. She sighed and kissed him, dropping the dress carelessly to the floor. He pulled back but still held her chin and looked deep into her eyes, saw the green darken to resemble the heart of the forest, hidden from the sun.

‘Tornare a letto, cara.’ He brushed his lips on hers as a frown of confusion slipped over her face. Desire rushed through him and all he could think about was making love to her again and again. This might not be for ever, but it was certainly for now and, as far as he was concerned, now would last all night. ‘Come back to bed, cara.’

* * *

Charlie all but melted at his feet, almost as crumpled as the sea of red silk on the floor between them. The raw and potent desire in his eyes couldn’t be ignored. Neither could the kiss that promised so much more. She couldn’t deny she wanted him. She knew she shouldn’t and briefly wondered if this was how it had been for her mother. Had her mother been drawn inexorably towards the flame of desire, a flame that had then extinguished all the love she’d had for her husband, Charlie’s father?

‘Don’t look so worried, cara.’ His soft words broke her thoughts. Now was not the time to worry about the past. Unlike her mother, she wasn’t married or committed in any way. She was free to enjoy this for what it was, a short and passionate affair.

But what of Seb? What would he have said? Hurriedly, she pushed that thought to the back of her mind, remembering what she and Sandro had enjoyed earlier. Seb had always wanted her to be happy and right now her whole body was alive with happiness.

She smiled at Sandro as he took her hand and led her back to the bed, the passion that had raged between them earlier beginning to heat again. Desperate to drown her misgivings, she wrapped her arms about his neck, pressing herself against his nakedness, and kissed him as if her life depended on it.

Suddenly he tumbled her back on the bed, his body over hers as his hot kisses stoked the fire of passion ever higher and she was lost once more.


‘BUONGIORNO.’ THE SOFT Italian greeting stirred her senses and Charlie opened her eyes. Sunlight poured in around the closed curtains, but all she could focus on was the man beside her. Every limb in her body was replete with Alessandro’s lovemaking and she stretched, smiling up at him, enjoying the way his eyes clouded with passion. ‘Breakfast awaits.’
