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Just as moments ago, she sensed him coming closer. Splashes of water landed around her as his strong arms carried him past her and to the end of the pool. His hand on the edge, his bronzed shoulders glistening in the morning sun, he waited for her to draw closer.

‘I should have known you’d win.’ She breathed out the words after the exertion of a brisk swim. Of course he’d win. She doubted he ever lost—at anything.

‘You shouldn’t challenge me, cara.’ His voice was mocking and, without thinking, she splashed water at him, laughing in a way she hadn’t laughed for a long time. ‘And you shouldn’t splash me either.’

Before she could do anything more, he hauled himself out of the water and effortlessly sprang to his feet to stand on the side of the pool looking down at her. She couldn’t help but look at him and as her eyes travelled downwards shock set it.

‘You cheat!’ The words rushed from her as she took in the trunks clinging to him, water dripping from them. ‘You tricked me. You let me believe we would both be naked.’

She hung on to the side of the pool, embarrassment colouring her cheeks. The smile on his face was too much. ‘I never mentioned that I would be naked. Now, are you coming out or not?’

‘Not.’ She pouted up at him then swam slowly away, knowing he would be looking at her body.

She looked over at him as she swam, saw him grab a towel from a lounger and ruffle his hair dry, then stretch out on the lounger, watching every move she made. Her pulse rate went into overdrive.

‘Do you make a habit of this, Miss Warrington?’ His teasing question irritated her, yet made her smile too. He was playing games with her, toying with her like a cat did a mouse.

‘Swimming naked or passionate weekend affairs?’ She tossed the question at him as she reached the end of the pool, this time turning her back on the view of Lake Garda. There was a much more interesting view to take in now.


‘I’ve never swum naked before.’ She pushed away from the side, this time on her back, revelling in the chance to tease him just a bit, making her feel that little bit more in control. She had never had an affair, no matter how long, but she wasn’t going to tell him that. She was tiring as she reached the end of the pool again but didn’t want to come out of the water, not whilst he watched her so intently.

‘I’ve never had a naked woman in my pool before.’ His look was playful and the smile that moved his lips incredibly sexy.

She looked over at him, liking the way the sun gleamed in his damp hair. His long legs were as tanned as the rest of him and she feasted on the image he created, adding it to the one from their first night together, storing it away. This would be a scene never to be repeated.

‘Well, that does surprise me. A man like you.’ She kept her voice light and flirty, trying to echo his mood, but her heart was racing as heady need spread through her.

‘A man like me?’ He leant forward on the lounger, placing one foot on the floor. ‘Just what is a man like me?’

She wished the words unsaid but continued with her carefree tone as she slowly swam to the side of the pool, holding the edge in front of him and trying to hide her nakedness. ‘Don’t try to deny you don’t have women dropping at your feet.’

‘Only those who are looking for something I can’t give.’ The brusque words, in complete contrast to his sexy and carefree stance, made her smile.

‘Oh, and what’s that?’ she said, laughing teasingly at him.

‘Marriage and security.’ The air stilled around them and his mouth hardened just enough to warn her she’d strayed into dangerous territory. He sat back in the lounger again, as if to get as far away from the conversation as possible. Yesterday he’d talked of the end of his marriage to his childhood sweetheart. Was that the reason he’d never settled down again? She could certainly relate to that.

‘And you don’t want that?’ She rested her arms on the side of the pool and looked at him, seeing an array of emotions flash across his face.


The word was so final a chill slipped over her despite the warm sun on her back. She moved in the water, rippling sounds filling the heavy silence, but she couldn’t look away, couldn’t break the eye contact.

‘I totally understand.’ She did, but wished she’d kept that to herself as his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

‘You do?’

‘Oh, you know, once bitten, twice shy, as we say in England.’ She turned her back and swam away from him, not wanting this discussion she had inadvertently started. They should be enjoying their last hours together, not mulling over the past.

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