Page 7 of Find Me, Keep Me

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"I'm going to a local bar with my sister, the Kings Arms in Kew Gardens."

Tom gasped. "You're joking me. I'm standing outside that pub right now. I noticed you had a local number but this is ridiculous."

Helen's jaw dropped. "Are you really? This is amazing, these coincidences are really stacking up. I think I need to sit down. I feel kind of funny. And, oh by the way, I don't live in Kew, my sister does, I stay with her when I go to and from Heathrow. I live just outside London, in the countryside. Look, I better stop talking and get off her phone, we'll head out the door and see you in a bit. I'm so excited, bye."

"Great. I'll see you when you get here in that case. I can't wait."

* * *

Tom and Jim were both speechless when Helen and Sarah walked in the door and over to their fireside table, but for different reasons.

Helen looked stunning, her long brown hair resting on her shoulders, her slim figure accentuated by the lines of her navy blue dress. She looked like an angel.

Tom stood up and walked to her. He looked into her smiling blue eyes and hugged her before kissing her gently on both cheeks. She felt herself sink into his broad chest, she felt his strong arms around her and as she looked up into those deep brown eyes, it was there again, that special feeling, that connection.

She took a seat right next to him and stared into his eyes.

"It's still there," Tom whispered in her ear.

"That special feeling!" Helen knew what he meant before he even said it.

"Yes. That special connection," Tom grinned and squeezed her hand. "Thank God, you phoned. I've missed you so much."

"I almost didn't phone you." Helen confessed.

"Really? Why?" Tom looked surprised.

"Well, I phoned you right after I met Jim at the airport but your number was engaged. Then, I skillfully lost that business card he gave me. I couldn't believe it. I thought I'd never see you again. It wasn't until I saw Sarah when I got back today that she showed me how to retrieve previously dialed numbers. I'm clueless with technology. She saved the day."

Sarah laughed, "She's not joking, you'll soon learn the hard way to keep her away from computers and phones, she can crash anything without even trying to. Quite amazing really."

Jim kissed Sarah on the cheek, "This has been a mind blowing evening for all of us. Time to get some more drinks in if you ask me."

* * *

"Has it really been six months already?" Helen looked up into Tom's beautiful brown eyes.

Tom put his arm around Helen's waist. "Yes darling, even though it seems like only a week. Tonight is the sixth full Moon since our first kiss. Look at it, it's beautiful, just like you."

They walked over the bridge bathed in the brilliant glow of the Moon, hand in hand, whispering to each other. Like lovers do, like a man and a woman do when they find the one, when fate moves to bring them together and keep them together forever.

The heart knows what the head never can, love draws people together in sometimes mysterious ways and even great distances cannot keep two people apart, for two people who are meant to be together will find each other no matter what, no matter how great the obstacles, no matter how unlikely it may seem. Love always, always finds a way.

Helen held up her left hand to the light from the street lamp, "Look how the diamond is glowing in the light."

Tom looked into her sparkling blue eyes and kissed Helen firmly on the lips. "It's radiant just like you. I love you so much Helen, thank you for saying yes."

"My pleasure, I'm sure my heart has picked me a fine husband." Helen whispered.

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