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“No, I really shouldn’t. I had a bag of popcorn before this. I’m good.”

“Aren’t you still hungry though?” he asks with a frown. “Popcorn doesn’t sound like much. Eat, sweetheart.”

It’s almost a command, and part of me thinks I should tell him no because who is he to give me an order? But I am still hungry so I devour the remainder of my meal in two bites.

“That’s my girl,” he grins. Then, we chat lightly about this and that. People are milling about, so I certainly don’t want to get into the real meat of our conversation, but to my surprise, it’s nice spending time with him while talking about nothing.

He finishes his dog, and then turns himself so his body is facing me. The handsome man smiles and I can’t help but notice how gorgeous he is. Jack clearly works out, seeing that his shoulders are wide and broad, and his arms strong and defined. Not to mention the contrast of his blue eyes with that black hair – the stunning combo makes him look like a movie star.

“I was a little upset when I woke up and you were gone the other morning,” he begins lightly, and my mouth drops open.

“I know. I heard a car pull up, and then I saw it was Eddie, so I sort of panicked. I figured I should get out of there before Eddie found us.”

Leaning forward, he puts his hand over mine and looked me in my eyes. “Let me be very clear. You’ve already broken up with my son, right?”

I nod.

“Yes. I screamed something like ‘I hate you, don’t ever talk to me again’ after I found him with my mom. Not very elegant, I know.”

Jack merely grins.

“Then, it’s fine. You weren’t cheating, and I don’t give a damn what Eddie thinks about us because his loss is my gain. I kept my distance from you when the two of you were dating, but that’s over now.”

Shaking my head, I say, “Yes, but he’s your son! Surely, you care what he thinks. Besides, we can’t be together like that again, Jack. It was wrong. I shouldn’t have used you to try to get back at Eddie and my mom. It’s just so juvenile, and I’m sorry.”

Scooting closer to me, he sits his hands on my hips and I freeze. Not because I want him to back up or take them away. No. The problem is how much I enjoy the way he’s invading my personal space.

“Sweetheart, the other night with you was amazing and I know you enjoyed it, too. I agree, the revenge thing was a little far-fetched because how often do those schemes work? But honestly, I don’t even care about that. I just care about us, and if you’ll have me, I’d love to show you how good it can be between us again.”

Heat rises up my cheeks, and I bite my lip. Being this close to Jack makes it hard to think, and is he really saying what I think he’s saying? After all, this is a handsome alpha male who also happens to be filthy rich. Jack Straithmore can get any woman he wants, and he doesn’t have to settle for a plump nobody who was rejected by his son, of all people. Him wanting me just doesn’t add up, but here he is, making me feel all kinds of things I never thought possible.

Still, us being together isn’t right, so I take a deep breath and stand up. “I’m sorry, Jack, but we can’t do this. You’re my ex-boyfriend’s dad! I shouldn’t have dragged you into this mess to start with, and I apologize for that. But we shouldn’t keep going, for your sake as well as mine.”

Jack merely shrugs and smiles, getting up from the bench.

“You think so?” he asks.

I nod stubbornly, although my heart’s beginning to flutter.

“I know so.”

The alpha male merely smiles, takes my hand in his and says, “Follow me.” Then he starts walking towards the far-left corner of the block.

“Where are we going?” I ask, a little breathlessly. “The party’s back there!”

Night is beginning to come, and shadows grow long on the ground. The music starts to fade behind us, but Jack merely pulls me along.

“I have something to show you, Dakota, and I think you’ll be surprised, but not that surprised seeing what’s already transpired.”

We walk a bit further, past a few more mansions, until we come to the edge of the neighborhood. There’s a leafy area, densely filled with trees and bushes, cordoned off behind a rope fence, but Jack pulls me towards the foliage and I stop.

“What are you doing? I’m not going in there.”

He brings his finger up in front of his mouth. “Shh. Follow me,” he murmurs.

Resigned, I step over the fence and follow his large form into the heavily wooded area. It’s funny that there’s a forest surrounding our gated community, but I suppose it adds to the exclusivity and isolation. But why are we going on a hike? Isn’t it too late in the day for that?
