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“Someone has some aggression to work out today,” he said.

“Do you have to talk so much?” she asked, sweat curling down the side of her face as she attacked again. This time she drove forward, forcing him to retreat and not letting him get in a kick.

Sean blocked and covered and dodged until they were in a clinch, breathing hard and face to face with no room to punch or kick. And for no good reason, heat roared over Dani. Heat that almost incinerated her from the inside out. Maybe it was the bulk of his muscles or the slick slide of their sweat or his scent of clean soap from a recent shower that couldn’t quite remove the hint of fire from his skin and hair.

As if he sensed it, Sean’s dark eyes flashed hot and his jaw went tight. Breaking the rules, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in close, letting her feel his erection for one spare moment before taking her to the mats in a controlled move that showed just how freaking strong he was. She expected to get the wind knocked out of her, but he’d more laid her out than knocked her down.

A whistle blew. “Switch up,” Colby called. “And follow the damn rules, Riddick. We’re not doing ground work right now.”

Everyone laughed.

But Dani and Sean were caught in a staring contest with their faces mere inches apart.

She wanted him inside her so bad that she nearly gave voice to it.

Her brain went immediately to that night.

How they’d circled each other throughout that whole damn party. How Sean had walked her to her car, parked right in front of his, which she’d begrudgingly thought sweet despite her insistence she didn’t need a damn chaperone. How they’d started bantering about something she couldn’t even remember now—because all she could remember was how desperately aroused she’d felt. How she’d teasingly punched him and he’d caught her arm and hauled her in against him. How the shock of his erection against her hip had made her look up at him. And how he’d claimed her mouth and she’d let him.

Oh, hell yeah, she’d let him do that and so much more…

And she wanted it again.

It was that thought that finally made her brain come back online. “Get. Off.”

His brow arched. Just the tiniest bit. “You can take your aggression out on me anytime.” He spoke in a rushed whisper, but the words impacted her like a body slam, pressing her back into the floor with some unseen force. Because she’d heard that tone in his voice before, when she’d straddled his lap on the big bench of his pick-up and finally taken him deep.

“Fucking hell, Dani. Take all of me.”

“Now,” Dani said, hoping he didn’t hear that her voice was affected, too.

In a move that seemed too lithe for someone his size, Sean hopped up then extended his hand to her.

Shook as she was, Dani accepted his help, then regretted it when he didn’t immediately release her hand but instead held her right in front of him—exactly like he had that night. “Just say the word.”

Dani swallowed hard. “Hold your breath waiting for it. Please.” She glared up at him, irritated with herself for letting him see inside her for that one unguarded moment when her body had reacted so viscerally to his. It was like that night had tuned their bodies into the same wavelength, and now they could communicate whether she wanted it or not.

Amusement and challenge slid into his gaze. “You’ll not only say it, Dani. You’ll beg me for it.”

She barked out a laugh, that was how incredulously funny she found his little pronouncement. What a giant, arrogant asshole. “Oh. Definitely hold your breath for that, Riddick. You’ll be a box full of dust before that ever happens.”

Sean looked at her with a knowing gaze. A gaze that told her he remembered too freaking much about that night, too. She might’ve punched that annoyingly sexy arrogance off his face if headshots hadn’t been off limits at WFC.

Instead, Dani tugged her hand free. “Are you going to spar with me or did you want to braid my fucking hair while you keep talking?”

He knocked his gloves together and scanned his gaze around her face to where the length of her French braid trailed over her shoulder. “Looks like you already took care of your hair, sweetheart. So let’s spar. My turn to punch.” His grin was so annoyingly satisfied. He knew he’d gotten to her.

Dani rolled her eyes. “You’re still talking,” she said launching a round house kick at him. And then it was on again. The fighting. The focus. The fire deep in her belly.

But, damnit, the heat was still there, too.

The kind of soul-deep, bone-melting heat she’d only ever felt with one other man, one who’d died six years before.
