Page 41 of In to Her

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There’s no way out.

“Dude,” AJ says.

“I’m not thinking, dammit. Just shut up and let me sleep.”

I wait a few minutes. Until AJ’s breathing slows down and I’m pretty sure he’s out. Then go back to my thoughts. Trying to keep them quiet from my mind-reading best friend.

There has to be a way out.

And did I just call AJ my best friend?

That’s great. Just great.

I can’t kill my best friend. That’s some fucked-up psycho shit right there.

Still, there has to be a way out. Something I’m missing. Some evil part of my diabolical brain must have an answer I never thought of before.

It doesn’t come to me. Nothing comes to me except sleep.

But I do dream. I find myself in a world with beaches, and sun, and an ocean. It’s a nice place. A foreign place, but not too foreign. Friendly, easy-going locals and a harbor filled with tourist yachts and fishing boats. There’s a bustling market with rows and rows of vendors selling everything you need in life.

It’s a place I’ve been before. Back when I was a child, and then once again just a couple years back.

I’d like to live there, I decide in my dream.

One day. If I manage to live through the other side of this job.

When I wake up AJ is breathing lightly and Yvette’s got her face pressed up into my back.

Immediately my thoughts from last night resurface. My little problem.

Yvette moans a little and that small noise is enough to kickstart the morning wood.

I should not fuck this girl again. In fact, I should get up, find my gun, shoot her in the head, shoot AJ while I’m at it, and then drag their bodies out into the woods and dump them both over that ravine.

Sensible, logical, Logan the Loyal is back.

Except he’s not. Because AJ reaches out, snatches Yvette, and tugs her away from me and into him.

I turn my head, barely able to open my eyes. The dark night has given way to a too-bright morning and it hurts. So I squint.

“I’m awake,” AJ says. “Been awake for a while now.”

“Creep,” I mumble. “What time is it?” He turns, taking Yvette with him, which makes her moan again, only this time it resembles words.

“What…” she croaks. “What’s going on?”

“It’s ten thirty,” AJ says.

Fuck. Been a very long time since I slept this late.

AJ reaches his hand over to me. Feels my cock.

I push him away. “No,” I say. “We gotta be serious today. The storm is probably over. Last night never happened.”

AJ grunts. “Suit yourself. Looks like you’re all mine today, cookie.”

“Stop calling her that,” I growl. He’s irritating me. Him and his carefree attitude. His stupid words of wisdom.

“No,” AJ says, rolling over once again so Yvette is pinned beneath his chest. I turn my head to look at them. Find them both smiling. Yvette with her eyes closed. Apparently having the same difficulty I am with the bright snow outside. AJ with his open. Gazing down at this girl like she’s his wife instead of his mark.

He glances at me. “Last chance.”

I reach down and grip my cock. Willing it to shrink.

Just gets harder.

I want to give in. I totally do. But I can’t erase the fact that I have to kill these people. Today. Probably in the next few hours.

“Logan,” AJ says.

“What?” I mumble, looking up at the ceiling.

“Just relax, man. Forget about later and just be here now.”

I don’t know how he does that. Just pushes his problems away until later. I’ve always been a worrier myself. Always got a future problem running through my brain.

He slides off to the side of Yvette and reaches over her to feel for my cock again.

This time I don’t push him away. Because maybe that’s the answer? Maybe that’s how you stop worrying about the future?

Just be here now.

He starts kissing Yvette’s neck and she bucks her back a little. Inhaling deeply like she’s very relaxed. At the same time he plays with my cock. It’s mostly hard already but his hand feels good. His grip is firm on my shaft and when he reaches down to cup my balls I turn over towards Yvette and reach between her legs. I find myself smiling.

“How shall we fuck you today?” I ask.

“Mmmmm…” She giggles a little. She looks a lot better than she did last night. Rested, some color back in her cheeks. Eyes still closed like she’s having a good dream.

“Hmmm?” I ask again. AJ has let go of my dick and is working her shirt up her body. She maneuvers, helping him get it over her head, and her firm, round breasts and large peaked nipples capture my full attention.

I lean over, cupping one as AJ works on getting her leggings off. My mouth covers her nipple and I suck on it, then pull back and nip it gently with my teeth.
