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“In the bed, with me,” she said with conviction, sliding her arms around his waist and tipping her face in an unmistakable invitation for a kiss. “Or we could stay here together on the sofa for now, the bed later.”

“Good. Because that’s exactly where I want to be.” He reminded himself now wasn’t the time to talk about futures when hers was so uncertain. All the same, he couldn’t help but want more from her. And the more he wanted, the more he stood to lose.

She’d come full circle, starting in one small lodging room, ending in another. Only this time, she wouldn’t let the world control her.

She’d meant what she’d said. She wanted to share his room, Jacob’s bed.

The thought threatened to scare the warmth right out of her. But her every maternal instinct screamed that her son was alive and she knew she was doing everything possible to find him, thanks to Jacob’s help. She couldn’t find Evan tonight, but she could soothe her heart and soul enough now to carry on the fight tomorrow when she might need every scrap of strength she possessed to cope with whatever they discovered.

Dee angled forward and found his mouth. Jacob looped his arms low around her waist. Kiss for kiss, he twined his tongue with hers, exploring, tasting, demanding.

She pressed against him until he relented and leaned back on the sofa. Anchoring him, she flattened her tender br**sts to his chest, rolled her h*ps against his already rigid arousal. His hands reached for her shirt, and she shoved them away, pinning them to his sides. This was her show, her night to lose herself if only for a few hours.

Dee inched away from him, her mouth being the last thing to break contact. “Don’t move.”

His brows lowered over his moody eyes. He paused, then raised his hands in surrender. Layer by layer, she tossed aside his clothes, rediscovering every patch of his skin with her mouth until tendons strained along his neck.

Again Jacob reached for her. “Dee, enough.”

And again she pushed aside his questing hands. “Not nearly.”

“Well, hell,” he growled. “Then it’s my turn.”

“Soon. We’ve still got the bed later.”

Employing the same slow precision with which she’d tossed aside his clothes, she repeated with her own. None of her prior insecurities remained as she shrugged off her bra, stepped from her jeans and whisked away her panties. His gaze heated with appreciation as he watched, further firing her own need.

Dee scooped his pants from the floor and pulled free his wallet. A quick search uncovered just what she’d expected. He’d come prepared.

She plucked out the condom and braced her knees on either side of his hips. Dee clasped him, silencing him as she unrolled the condom with a languorous stroke.

Groaning, he palmed her back and brought her down to him, skin to skin for the first time in what felt like forever. Dee sighed, gently brushing herself along the tempting rasp of the hair on his chest—then gasped as his hands cupped her bottom.

“Enough,” he said again, his voice leaving no room for argument.

They rolled from the sofa in a tangle of arms and legs. Jacob twisted at the last minute, and she landed on top of him.

Exactly where she wanted to be, in control.

She wriggled until her legs straddled him again. As she lifted to ease herself on him, he grabbed her hips. With a growl of frustration, she clasped his wrists and pinned his arms to the floor.

Dee took him inside her, control slipping elusively away as the heat of him filled her. Jacob’s jaw clenched as he battled for restraint. She reveled in pushing him to the edge before he’d even had a chance to touch her.

He shook his hands free of her grasp and filled them with her breasts, his thumbs circling her already pebble-tight peaks. She slid her hands over his and pressed while her h*ps rocked against him.

He palmed the small of Dee’s back and began rolling her off him. She resisted. He braced a leg around hers and started to flip Dee to her back. Again, she resisted, her eyes sparking a mix of mischief and resolve.

He stroked her hair from her face, searching her eyes. “What do you want from me?”


Jacob hooked her leg over his hip and flipped her to her back in a smooth sweep that left her gasping, gripping his shoulders to secure herself the swirl of sensation.

He drove into her with powerful thrusts she met and equaled. She found new strength in his, new reserves she never knew she possessed.

Jacob reached between them and stroked her, teased her. “You’re mine.”

Dee tensed her leg around him, her body trembling with the force of powerful emotions she only just barely contained. “You’re mine.”
