Page 35 of The Sexpert

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I fight the urge to look over my shoulder to see if he’s following, but I can hear soft footsteps on the carpet behind me, so I know he is.

I flash my card at my door and then turn the handle.

But it doesn’t unlock and let me in.

I flash the card again and this time I watch the red light on the door flash until…

“No,” I say, swiping the card a third time. But no luck. “My damn key won’t work!”

And then I lose the battle, because I do look over my shoulder at him. He’s standing just a couple feet behind me, grinning like the cutest boy in high school. I bite my lip because he’s oh-my-God handsome.

That was a mistake. Looking at him, I mean. Because all I see is the kiss back in the stairwell. And all I’m thinking about is doing that again.

Pull yourself together, Eden!

And somehow I do. I slide right past him and head for the stairwell.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m gonna go get this key fixed so I can change. I’m soaked.” As I’m sure he’s noticed.

He follows me into the stairs and then out onto the lobby floor. And by the time we’re heading towards the leasing office, we’re walking together. Like a couple or something.

But then I notice the leasing office door is closed. “What the fuck?” I mutter under my breath as I try to turn the handle and find it locked.

“Look,” Andrew says. He’s pointing to a sign off to the side of the door that says, Be back in thirty minutes.

“Thirty minutes?” It’s like the universe is conspiring against me. “I can’t just sit around in wet clothes for thirty minutes!”

“I have an idea,” Andrew says.

“What?” I say, turning to face him. Which is a mistake. Big mistake. He’s way too handsome to look at right now. Not with the memory of that kiss still making my body hot and tingly.

“You can come up to my place and borrow one of my shirts.”

“I need more than a shirt,” I say. Then regret that too. Because now he’s probably picturing me taking my pants off.

Which I have to admit is what I’m picturing. Only… he’s taking them off me.

“Well?” he asks, leaning against the locked door of the leasing office.

I should say no. That is the responsible thing to do here. Just nip this little tryst in the bud because if I go up there and start taking off my clothes…

“Come on,” Andrew says, taking my hand. “You need to change. And I want to help you. Come on.”

I let him lead me because… because… well, I don’t know what else to do. I have no good options. And today is a little overwhelming. In fact this whole week is overwhelming. A lot of things have happened in the past two days. More than enough to ruffle me.

And I’m actually cold now. The AC is on high in the building and I’m soaking wet, and my teeth are beginning to chatter, and then Andrew pulls me into the elevator—thankfully, it’s empty except for us—and then we’re ascending up to the penthouse.

When the doors open we get out and he’s got his key card ready. Flashing it at the little panel. And of course, his key works. It flashes green, and then he’s got the massive double doors open and he’s waving me in.

“Come in,” he says. “My bedroom’s this way.”

And he’s got a hold of my hand again, so I follow and don’t even put up a fight. I’m shaking now. Mostly because of the wet and the cold, but also because I’m super nervous. Like… I’m alone in this guy’s apartment and there’s this magical sexual chemistry between us. And we’ve kissed twice now and so this trip to his apartment is like the third date. And the third date is when you’re supposed to, you know, fuck the guy. And then I’m thinking about that. Kinda dreaming about it as he leads me into his bedroom and straight past the bed until we’re inside his closet. Which is all neat, and unpacked, and… “Holy shit,” I say, taking in the room. Because it’s almost as big as my entire apartment down on two. There’s lots of custom built-in shelves, and drawers, and… yeah. “You have a delicious closet.”

Which makes him chuckle.

And stare at me.

Like he’s gonna lick all the frosting off my cupcakes.

“What should we do?” Andrew asks. “Hmm? Get you out of those wet clothes and put you into something dry?”

“What’s my other option?” I whisper back, unable to take my eyes off his.

He shrugs, grips my hip with his other hand, and says, “Get you out of those wet clothes and not put any back on?” His eyebrows shoot up and do a little wiggle. Which makes me smile and let out the breath I was holding.
