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“Now, come on. You need to get home to those two men of yours. They’ll be waiting for you and worrying how you are.”

“I can’t. I’ve been drinking.”

“I can drive you back.”

“It’s okay Mom. I’m gonna stay here with the girls tonight. It’s movie night. I need some time to think about what’s happened this last week.”

“Okay.” She kissed the top of my head. “I can reassure them you’re okay, but promise me. You go back tomorrow to sort everything out. They’re good men.”

“I promise.”

“Right,” she stood up. “I’ll be on my way.” She hovered at the doorway. “Just one thing,”


She shook her head, “Never mind. I was going to ask what it was like, two men at once, but now I’m settled with Philip, I don’t want to know the answer.” She winked and I laughed. “Come see me out.”

After she said goodbye to the girls and we then said goodbye at the door. My mom went on her way and I felt more settled.

I texted Daniel and Parker.

Kayla: I’m fine. I’ll be back tomorrow.

Parker: Thank fuck. My dick’s already hard thinking about it.

Daniel: Can’t wait to see you. You belong here.

I smiled and went back to the girls where we enjoyed an evening of gossip and more wine.


The next morning I got a few boxes from a nearby supermarket and returned to the apartment where I started to pack more of my belongings.

“You’re not coming back are you?” Haley hovered in the doorway.

“I’m not that far away and for now while I’m working things out I’m coming back here at least every Monday for girl’s night, but it’s true, I might end up moving in with Daniel and Parker permanently. If I do, I’ll give you plenty of notice.”

“Are you keeping your job at Greens?”

“I honestly don’t know. Again the commute isn’t that far, but I need to go back and talk to them both. One thing I’ve realized is that my life has changed so much in this short space of time, but we’ve jumped in with both feet. Thinking of the near future, there are questions I need to address with them. So, I’m going back and taking a few more of my belongings because I’ll be staying there longer than the couple weeks I first thought.”

“I’ll miss you. You and Tiff are both moving on and I’m stuck.” Haley twisted her lips to one side looking thoughtful.

“Do you know what? When you leave I’m going to place an ad for two male roommates. Then I can learn more about what makes men tick. With that and you and Tiff teaching me about sex and great blow jobs, I might actually start to nail the art of dating.”

I stood next to her and ruffled the top of her head as I was a lot taller than she was. “Be patient. It’ll happen. Look how fast my life changed. For that matter, the same happened with Tiff. A neighbor moved in and that was her love life sorted. But make sure these two new roommates are hot as fuck. You never know you might get to bang one of them… or even both of them.” I winked.

“Not everyone’s that greedy they want two men. Some of us would be more than happy with one.”

“Hey, don’t knock what you haven’t tried.” I laughed. “Right, come and help me load up the car will you.”

I was home by mid-morning but Daniel had left a note that said he and Parker were working all day and they would see me this evening. I spent the day unpacking, swimming and then had an afternoon nap as I hoped that I wouldn’t get much sleep that evening.

Both men looked so happy to see me home. I cooked dinner. While we ate, Parker and I both spoke about the conversations we’d had with our parents then we all sat in the living room having agreed we needed to chat about our threesome.

“I know that it’s very early to be discussing the future of our relationship, but I felt it was important to know where you both hoped it would go,” I said. “You know if this is just a bit of fun or we’re seeing if this can lead to something more permanent.”

I took a deep breath.
