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I repeated what I had said then added, “What’s so weird about that? Can’t deal with you choking on your beer.”

He recovered himself and then spoke. “You just don’t look much like an Accounts Professor. I guess I’m being stereotypical but I would have expected a guy in his early fifties with glasses.”

“Yep, Stereotyping much? I happen to love figures.” I told him.

“Me too,” He quipped and then winked. “But somehow I don’t think we’re talking about the same thing.”

I smiled, but I felt my cheeks pink up so I took a drink of my beer.

“If you don’t find this question too personal, how old are you anyway?” He asked me.

“Hmmm, I don’t know if it’s right to ask a woman her age,” I teased before admitting I was twenty-five. “How about you and what do you do?”

“Twenty-three.” He replied, “and I am a Personal Trainer.”

“Ah, sounds good.” I told him. “Maybe I will hire you to help me keep this body, because school is the worst for making me head straight home to pizza and wine.”

He took a piece of paper and a pen from his duffle bag and wrote out a cell number. “Here you go. I am out of business cards right now, so this will have to do. If you want to tone up, call me. I’m sure we can arrange a gym-buddy discount for my new friend.”

“That would be great.” I told him honestly. “I will give it some serious thought.”

We had finished our meals, and I was just drinking up the last of my beer when Garrett raised the subject of relationships. Damn. Another five minutes and I could have been out of there unscathed.

“I have not dated for a long while.” I told him, deciding to be honest. “Without going into too many details, I had a long-term relationship which ended badly. My ex developed a drink problem. He got abusive.”

“He ever hit you?” Garrett’s jaw had tightened.

“No. I didn’t let it get that far. He grabbed me once and got in my face. It was scary enough for me. I left him and moved back in with my parents for a short while until I rented an apartment with a friend.”

“Guys like that make my blood boil.” He answered.

“Yeah, well, it was a long time ago now.” I told him.

“Not long enough if you are still wary of dating.” He replied.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I came out with you, so I’m getting there. Though this was not a date.” I gestured between us both. “Just two gym buddies having some food.”

“Well, maybe one day, I will get you out on a date.” He said. “In the meantime, let’s get the check and I will see you around the gym, yeah? Unless of course you take me up on my offer of personal training, or decide to change your times to avoid me again.” He winked. “You have my number, so if you ever want to go for a drink or to the movies, well,” he paused. “I’ll leave it to you for when you’re feeling a little braver.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

We left the restaurant and Garrett walked me to my car before bidding me goodnight.

It had boosted my mind and mood no end to have gone out with a good-looking guy for food and I drove home with a smile on my face.
