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Blue was so focused on getting all the footage just right. Her main focus now was to capture hundreds of shots from various angles and then decide on which to narrow them down to and where to tighten the focus.

Blue gazed off at the magnificent scenery of the estate while inhaling the calming scent of the grapes from the vine that filled the atmosphere.


She could work here forever.

“This is the Romero Winery and Vineyard,” she began recording against the backdrop of the vineyard from up on the hill. The wind rustled her hair as she faced her video camera propped on the tripod. “Thousands of acres of glorious land that stretches across the city of…” Blue bit down on her lip. She shook her head. “No. Wrong.” She fiddled with the buttons on the remote to press the pause button on her camera.

And she blew a deep breath of air that caused her bangs to swing up off her face. She then started the recorder again. “This is the fantastic Winery and Vineyard of Romero…” she stopped herself again, then growled while hitting the pause button.

What the hell had gotten into her so suddenly? Zack.

Why was this man possessing her mind again? Because no man had ever made her feel the way smooth, sexy Zack had. And they hadn’t even touched…yet.

Not that she thought she could even get there with him. The man clearly had other things on his mind. Blue had been there for four weeks and outside of very brief fly-by conversations, nothing much happened.

Heck, they hadn’t even had a chance to spend an ample amount of time alone so that she could really interview him one-on-one.

The summer breeze may be on the calm side today but inwardly she herself was a nervous wreck. This was, after all, her first time actually filming a documentary—even though it had been a few weeks. She started off with bits and pieces of information and capturing different shots of the vineyard and speaking with a myriad of vineyard workers. She saw Zack on a few occasions to her heart’s chagrin. Whenever she did catch a few glimpses of him, her heart sped up and it felt like bumblebees were dancing in her belly.

This charming and alluring man was overwhelming her senses. Gorgeous wasn’t even the best word to describe his royal handsomeness. Still, he had kept their conversations brief and clipped and she wondered why he was being more distant with her than his other staffers. Did he still, deep down, hold her accountable for what happened to his brother, Lucas, last year?

Why was Zack really distancing himself from her? Blue couldn’t help but feel terrible inside. But she mustered up the courage to plug on with a cheery smile. She kept reminding herself she was there to do a job. Nothing more.

She’d overheard him speaking with his brother when she was out in the vineyard capturing the method in which workers pruned vines with grapes. His brother, Carl, had apparently teased him with a "watch out, she’s not on the menu, remember?" Not on the menu? And then she’d heard Carl say something about Zack being on a strict diet to which Zack had imparted a scathing look.

Later in the afternoon, her heart turned over in her chest. Zack had returned. They would finally get a chance to sit down for the first time in four weeks since she’d first spoken with him. This was not the casual walk by, idle chitchat but a real sit down conversation.

After Zack participated in a yet another wine tour and showed Blue around another area of the estate, they settled back in his office. No matter how much she thought she saw of the Romero estate, there was much more she hadn’t seen. The place was massive! But then it shouldn’t surprise her much since Toni Romero was a real estate mogul. Land and property were his business. It looked as if he’d bought up most of the town of Mayberry Hill.

Blue sat down in the plush chair in Zack’s spacious office for a follow-up meeting. He was so busy with errands that she barely got a chance to sit down for some quality film time. The sunlit office with windows that stretched from the floor to the ceiling was marvelous. Ample sunlight shone in but that did nothing to warm the nerves in her body.

The man was gorgeous as hell and he made Blue nervous.

Blue Monroe never got nervous around a man. But this wasn’t just any man. She watched him as he keyed in some information on his silver laptop on his desk. He had told her he wanted to discuss a few things but decided to respond to some urgent emails. She noted his fingers brushes against the keys. His long fingers were slender and his skin looked smooth, glowing tanned and healthy. His fingernails were a healthy in appearance too. Something she’d learned in a health class in college. You could tell a lot about a person’s diet through their fingernails.
