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“Enemies? You? I find that hard to believe.”

“Well, unfortunately, I got assigned some dirty stories to dig up on dishonest businessmen and ex-politicians. Sort of an expose segment on our other TV show at the station.”

“Oh, right,” he groaned. Zack knew the show and hated it with a burning passion. “Thirty-Minutes!”

“Yes, The Thirty-Minutes Show. I was working on this one story about a former senator who was caught cheating on his wife and …well, that’s the past now. I’ve handed over my research to my colleague over there. That’s their problem now. Not mine. Well…”

“What is it?” he asked in a low voice. She was holding back again. What was with this woman and her secretive demeanor? “Blue? Are you okay?” She seemed to stare off into space for a moment. That caused a ripple of concern to shoot through his body. What was going on? Zack was often good at reading people. As nice as this young lady was, he could sure as hell tell she had life that was more complicated than what was seen on the surface.

“Thank you for everything Mr…I mean, Zack. I’ll be in first thing in the morning.”

“Good. Be sure let Venus know if you need anything at all.”

“I will,” she said but Zack could see a shred of disappointment in her lovely face.

“I’ll be off site periodically on meetings and other engagements. But if there is anything critical, she knows how to reach me.”

“I’ll be sure to do that.” Blue gazed into his eyes. Then she started the ignition. He saw that she got off safely before heading back to the main house.

There was something mysterious about Blue Monroe, and one way or another, he was going to uncover it. Ordinarily, Zack would be inside a woman’s heart and ultimately her bed within twenty-four hours of meeting her. But thank God, he was going to rise to the occasion for this abstinence challenge. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise and not some curse as he originally thought. He would get a chance, as hard as that would be, to know Blue intimately without getting into her bed, but inside her mind and soul first. If he could do that and still hold interest in her, that would mean a hell of a lot. It could mean, that she could be "the one." Damn!

Zack was officially on a diet of cold showers and probably self-serving gratification for the long haul. He was not going to screw this up. He could do this. Keep your distance from her, Zack. Blue was beautifully tempting, a sweet threat to his celibacy run.

His lips curled into a grin.


Almost four weeks later, Blue felt as if she was finally getting a grasp on things. It was early in the morning on a clear, cloudless summer day in the country. She could see off in the distance the blueness of the lake blending with the bright horizon. Her eyes drank in the vivid colors of aqua blue and gorgeous turquoise as the sun reflected off the water. She had already set up her tripod, video editing equipment, digital camera and microphone on the site and thought about the subjects she was going to cover during her tenure filming the short documentary.

During the past few weeks, Blue came into work early—before the first sign of dawn to capture footage of the land as the sun rose inviting in warm hues of rouge and orange rays of light blending with the horizon. One day, Zack had turned up and was surprised to see her there at 5:47 a.m. sunrise time. She learned that rising with the sun meant a lot to the brothers, something to do with their mother, who had passed away, but they never got into what really happened to their mom. She knew there were unlocked chambers in Zack’s life that would never open. She wondered how badly he was hurt, so bad that he could not even talk about it. Blue's heart ached for him. She knew how that felt, when she lost her own wonderful parents so tragically. There was nothing that could heal some heartbreaks, she figured. Death was so final. All one could do was to focus on the fond memories and be glad that they were a part of one’s life.

It was clear Zack was passionate about his work and Blue really wanted to capture that fully. She had grown to genuinely respect Zack based on knowing him personally, as much as he allowed, and learning more about him through his workers. And…best of all, he never tried to get "fresh" with her. So much for his playboy image persona.
