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“No. Trying to make sense of things. We have only two more months to put this entire film project together and it doesn’t leave us much time really. There’s editing and mixing to do during production once I’ve got all the raw footage filmed.”

“I know that.” He paused for a moment and opened his sweet lips as if he were going to add something else but decided against it.

She had already spoken to him about what she had completed so far and he seemed pleased. A bonus in her books.

“Earlier, you were asking about some statistics on the wine business,” he said, seemingly changing the subject.

“Oh, yes. I was impressed with the numbers.” She reached into her binder and pulled out some sheets of paper. “It says here that the Canadian Wine and Grape Industry contributes $6.8 billion in economic impact to the Canadian economy alone. That’s…very impressive!”

“Yes. We do our part.” He was sounding modest, but also unimpressed. Why? Did money mean nothing to this man who had an abundance of everything possible—including good genes?

“The wine industry is responsible for creating more than 31,000 jobs,” Zack continued, holding her gaze. “We provide employment in manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, research, retail and even medicine.”

“Medicine?” she queried, incredulously. Blue had never thought about winery and medicine mixing. She was learning something new. She loved learning new things every day in her line of work.

It pleased Blue that she was beginning to feel more relaxed and more comfortable around Zack again. She knew why. They remained focused on work again. Only work.

Once she stayed focused on only work—and only work, she was not focused on how hard and long Zack’s erection could possibly be. And she was not imagining Zack in all his glorious nakedness. Blue saw pictures of him online in nothing but swim trunks after paparazzi had captured images of him swimming at the beach. She had to focus, after all. She had debts from her parents’ untimely deaths to settle. She had a sister’s college tuition to pay in the fall. She had to survive for her sister and her own sake.

“Yes, we turn surplus grapes into surgical spirits.”

“Surgical spirits?” Blue repeated, scribbling her notes in long hand.

“Yes. We send our surplus grapes to distilleries to be turned into surgical spirits and industrial alcohol used in detergents and medicines.”

“Awesome! I really don’t think the general public knows this.”

“You can get the quote on video later when I am interviewed at the end.”

“So, will you continue to teach at the college?”

“Well, I’m a guest lecturer for this semester. I’ll have to see how it goes.”

“How do you like it so far?”

“I enjoy sharing whatever knowledge I have with eager minds that have a thirst for knowledge.”

“Nice,” she said, writing ferociously on her notepad while Zack continued to survey her. Aware that she was holding her breath, she inhaled deeply.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m good. I think I have enough to go on for now. I’ll work with Venus again and interview her and the other workers throughout the week for the next segment of the documentary.”


“Um. Do you have any questions or requests?” Blue asked her boss.


“Oh?” she asked, breathless. She was caught by surprise because she really hadn’t expected him to ask her anything else. Her heart pounded hard and fast in her chest.

“Have dinner with me, tonight?”

Zack’s invitation slid off his sexy tongue like melted caramel. His voice was low, silky and deep. The reaction sent shivers of delight running through her belly. Her inner thighs tingled deliciously. Oh, no.

Blue felt her breath stop. She could not answer him. She wanted to. So he wasn’t rejecting her after all. He just wanted to make it official. But have dinner with him…tonight?
