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“I…I can’t,” Blue whispered, breathless. Finally, she managed to squeeze a vocal sound through her nerve-constricted throat. What was she saying?

Sexy, sizzling, affluent bachelor, Zack Romero—her boss, just asked her to dinner. Tonight! And she said no. She said no. Was she out of her mind? But she could not stop herself. She just wasn’t prepared. She couldn’t. After that kiss, she wanted to do more with him. But she couldn’t. Not tonight.

“No?” he echoed, seductively. A salacious grin touched the corner of Zack’s sexy-as-sin lips as he leaned forward in his chair. His brow raised a fraction. It was as if he were amused that someone had declined to dine with him.

“Um…well. I mean…”

His silence, waiting for her to finish her sentence, was overwhelming. Blue perspired in her seat. Her mind was all scrambled. She knew she just couldn’t drop everything she had to do tonight to go out with him. To have dinner with him.

It’s only dinner, Blue. He wants to have a meal with you. Not have you for his meal.

Blue really didn’t want to get into her personal life. She didn’t want to tell him the real reason she wasn’t free to just do as she pleased right now. But she didn’t want to come off as rude either. Should she tell him?

* * *

The woman actually said no? Her response to his question rendered Zack off guard. Sweet. Despite that tasty kiss a while ago, the woman was not easy!

That was a good sign. And it took a minute for him to remember that he was to stay clear of sexual relations for at least another day. Which was also good. But he still had another day of abstinence to go. He groaned inwardly at the thought.

Zack leaned back in his soft leather chair and slid his gaze down this woman’s opulent facial features. How intriguing. A woman telling him no was not something he heard, often. Or ever in his recent years. His eyes surveyed Blue Monroe as she sat in her seat across from his desk, practically squirming as if she were his prey. Why did she react that way with him?

She possessed the most delicate, dainty features he’d seen on a woman. Her sweet, fully defined lips looked as red as ripe strawberries and tasted as sweet as the grapes that made the wine in his winery.

But oh, Zack would love to taste much more than just those sexy lips of hers. He wanted to taste all of her. This woman was causing a strangely delicious reaction in his body that was stronger than he had ever had with a woman.

Her caramel skin was enticing to his eyes. The contrast with her beautiful, silky, black hair that had a healthy shine to it brought a warm feeling inside him. My God, this woman was pleasing to his eyes—and he was sure to any man who became captivated by her beauty. Did Blue even know this? Judging by her awkward demeanor, she sure didn’t act as if she was a god-gifted beauty. There she was, so educated and talented and yet she never displayed a grain of vanity.

A surge of heat raced through him. He really wanted to hear the reason why she couldn’t or wouldn’t have dinner with him.

Suddenly the deal he’d made with his grandfather to give up sex for a month had proven to be a learning curve and at the same time major inconvenience—a pain in the butt. He loved to romance and seduce a beautiful, strong woman. He took significant pleasure in pleasing his ladies. And this one before him was stunning. So fascinating that it almost stole his breath away.

Damn that deal he’d made with this grandfather!

By now he would have whisked Miss Monroe off to his waterfront condo in the city for a night of unforgettable passion. The thought irked him that the past few weeks he had to disallow himself to get close to her. And now? Christ, she was rejecting him!

“I trust that you have plans tonight, then?” he asked out of curiosity.

“Um. Well, no. I mean, yes.”

He cocked a brow. Was she playing games with him? She certainly seemed as if she wanted him while they were kissing. He could tell these things with women. He loved the chase but he wasn’t sure where this Miss Monroe was coming from.

“Well. Is it no, or is it yes?”

“Well,” Blue breathed deeply. “I…I’ve already made plans.” She seemed uncomfortable with his silence but he should probably cut her a break from his humor. She had a right to not want dinner with him. He was only pulling her leg. Oh, he would love to do more though.

“I have a younger sister. We live together. Alone. She’s my responsibility.”
