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Yeah, tell that to her body. She was so tense she could barely steer her car. She pressed the gas pedal harder trying to outrun him. Trying to shake him off. But it was no use.

She felt a bang and her body flung forward in her car. His truck nailed her from behind. The driver struck her bumper on purpose. What the hell was going on?

Who was that crazy person?

Just then she heard the wheels of the SUV screeching as he sped up and rammed her again. This time, Blue saw her life flash before her. Blue lost control of her car and drove off into a ravine.


“Oh, somebody’s got a woman on his mind,” Carl teased his brother, Zack, as he walked into the foyer at the winery house.

Zack was leaning back on his desk with his arms folded across his chest, peering out at the window. An incredulous look formed on his face at his brother’s words. “What are you talking about, Carl?”

“Oh, come on. You were daydreaming about Blue. She’s one heck of a gorgeous reporter.”

“Film producer,” Zack corrected, not amused. “She’s only here working on a documentary for the winery, Carl. And no, I was not thinking about her.” Zack tried to keep his tone as cool as he could. Truth be told, he was lying right through his teeth. Damn! Blue Monroe was hot as hell. So hot, his body was on fire from the embers of her kiss. He really needed to take a cold shower more than anything. Good thing the main house wasn’t too far from the winery house on the estate. He loved working close to home, or at least one of his homes, since Romero Manor was the family estate.

“Well, good, because you know you can’t break that deal with Granddad, or he’ll have you out of here. You’ve still got what? Another week!”

Zack winced. “Another day,” he scowled. Old man Romero was a sturdy, fine man who grew up on principles and loved his family dearly, though at times, he often imposed some childish rules on his grown, accomplished grandchildren. But Zack, like his brothers and cousins, loved Toni Romero without bounds. They would do anything for him.

“Did you find anything else out about that tape?” Zack changed the topic. “I presume you’re not here for a brotherly chat.”

Carl grinned. Zack’s sense of humor was often dry but he tended to make light of most situations.

“Well, yeah. That,” Carl said, rubbing his stubble. “There is a digital file in some Cloud storage.”

“What? Are you sure about that?”

“Yeah. Sorry, man.”

“Right.” Zack’s jaw clenched. Of all the lowdown things. “Doesn’t she realize that Cloud storages can get hacked into?”

“Well,” Carl grinned. “First off. No, our men did not hack into her account.”

“I didn’t think you did. You know I wouldn’t stand for that.”

“I know. Anyway, our man JoJo mentioned that she sent emails to an associate. They were talking about how much they could potentially get on hot video like that. They’re looking at a bidding war of seven figures between several of the leading online news rags.”

Zack winced. A sick feeling settled in his gut; he felt acid burning a hole in his heart. Selina. Nothing but trouble.

“Just keep me posted, will you?”

“Sure thing.”

“And you still want to go into politics, bro? You’re crazy,” Zack chided, pouring himself a glass of wine. He took out another glass and offered it to his brother one.

“Sounds like a great plan, don’t you think?”

“No. Not in the least bit. If you think business can get crazy, politics is way worse, Carl. Just you be careful. We Romeros have to stick together. Too many crazy people out there would like nothing more than to see us trounced.”

“I hear ya, bro. I thought about it but, I really want to do something decent in this town. Help those who started out like us—with very little or even nothing. You know, be a voice for the voiceless.”

“You’re full of crap, you know that?” Zack teased his brother. Truth be told, he loved his family more than the breath in his lungs, but the guys infrequently complimented each other outright or said anything sappy. “But you just might stand a chance. If you can get those skeletons cleared out of your closet in time for election.” Zack grinned and took a sip of his Merlot.
