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Think positive, Blue.

She gazed at the cars speeding past her on the road, the trees whizzing by as she drove 80 km per hour in this zone.

Count your blessings, not your troubles, she reminded herself.

She was blessed to have sought gainful employment in this tough economy. That was a miracle. And this project would be the best thing to boost her business upward, not to mention the credibility it would lend to her business as word got around of her documentary on one of the most prominent families and businesses in the province.

In short, the universe had provided a much needed way out for her at the nick of time. Courtney’s tuition was coming up. Not to mention paying off loans and taking care of her parents’ affairs since they did not have adequate insurance. She was also able to come up with the rent for at least the next twelve months. Maybe she could even manage scraping together a down payment to finally own her own home. Courtney could have more room for herself, too. It sure was a challenge being cooped up in the little apartment with her young adult sister. But finally, there was hope. A new beginning. A chance to set things right.

Thank you, Universe.

Thank you, Mr. Romero.

Blue surprised herself when her mind drifted again. She had a vision of Zack Romero. She was alone with him in the most fascinating penthouse suite. He was moving his hand slowly down her back making her dizzy with unbridled excitement. Her nipples strained through her bra while he slowly undressed her like James Bond did in one of the earlier movies, smooth and suave. Her dress was on the floor before she knew it and she stood before him as he delighted in her body. He then lowered his head to hers and pressed his luscious lips to hers and kissed her so passionately, she forgot where she was. Heck, she forgot WHO she was! He then slowly unhooked her lace bra and she felt his hand move slowly down her body where he…

Blue shook her head and blinked hard, trying to shift the focus back on the road.

Did he harbor some magical mystique that drew women in to him like a magnet? Everybody’s heard of the Romero men’s sexual appeal and potency. The reputation of the brothers had been reputed to have spread far and wide for years.

Blue was still grinning while behind the wheel. She’d better keep her focus on the road and her mind out of the naughty gutter or else.

She peered in the rearview mirror and noticed that a blue SUV was driving close behind her. In fact, he’d been tailing her for quite some time now. An uncomfortable feeling befell her and she just couldn’t figure out why.

She decided she was going to turn off the main road. Maybe check a few emails on her smartphone then get back on the road. The paranoid princess inside her just wanted to make sure she wasn’t being followed. For whatever reason.

She remembered that day at the cemetery, a few weeks ago, she felt as if she were being watched.

You’re not being watched or followed, Blue. It’s all in your silly imagination.

Blue stopped the car and put her gear into park and waited. She looked at the rearview mirror again. Slowly, the blue SUV, the same vehicle that was shadowing her since she left the Romero estate had turned on the street she was parked.

Oh, God!

Her heart pounded hard, knocking the chest wall inside her with a heavy beat. She felt her body turn cold. Her worst fear confirmed.

She was being followed.

Blue, panting hard, fiddled with the gear shift after turning on the ignition. She quickly reversed then turned her car around. Should I call 9-1-1?

And say what, idiot? You think you’re being followed while you are safe in your car?

She hit the gas and continued on. Unfortunately, there were no other cars on the road.


The trouble with travelling out of town from the city was that oftentimes some of the roads could be so isolated. Lonely driving. Thank heavens, the sky was still light enough.

Breathing hard and fast, Blue floored it while glancing up every so often in her rearview mirror. She was going to die tonight, she thought with terror.

Somebody was trying to kill her.

The blue SUV drove faster, tailgating her. She couldn’t quite see who it was. Blue couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman or more than one person. The windows of that vehicle were tinted dark.


Keep calm, Blue. Nothing gets done in a panic.
