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Zack Romero.

Would she ever be able to break through his barrier and get close enough to him—again? Tonight at dinner, she felt ashamed for the arousal she felt seated across from him. The man was uber sexy in every sense of the word. He was breathtakingly stunning. Why in God’s name was her mind so obsessed over this hot man?

She wished she could wipe him out of her mind. Right now she had to be thinking about doing a damn good job in putting together what must be an award-winning documentary on the Romero Winery and Estate for the National Wine Awards show. It was a prestigious industry award and he was selected to be featured. She couldn’t afford to screw that up. Then she had to find out who the hell was trying to murder her.

How long could she keep under Zack Romero’s protection? Really? Not forever. Then what would happen to her? What would happen to Courtney? Who wanted to run her off the road? Was it her imagination? Zack didn’t want to impart too much information on the matter. He told her the police were on the case. He also mentioned he had some men on the case, too. Whatever that meant.

Blue propped herself up on the bed and drew in a deep breath.

“Right, that does it. I’m officially up.” She glanced over at the digital display of the clock by her bedside. It read: 11:48 p.m.

She whipped off the sheets and got up out of bed. In the room, there was a sixty-inch flat-screen TV mounted on the wall and a remote control on the nightstand but she decided she couldn’t bring herself to watch anything.

Blue was just…restless.

Zack Romero.

Why was he the only thing on her mind? She wondered obsessively what he could be doing. Was he in the west wing nearest her? Or was he in the east wing, or heck, the north or south wing. The mansion was a massive maze. She paced in the room, debating if she should go outside in the hallway or not.

“I need air.”

Blue slipped on her flip-flops and fixed her hair in the mirror. She had worn her night t-shirt and matching pink pyjama bottoms. To the casual onlooker her attire could easily pass for summer wear but of course she purchased it in the nightwear department.

She quietly opened the door of her room and peered out into the long, lonely corridor. It appeared the entire residence was asleep. There wasn’t a sound to be heard, except for that of her own breathing.

A chill slithered down her spine.

Why was she afraid? She was safe here. She would be okay. Everything would be okay, she kept consoling herself. It had to be.

* * *

Zack was a tormented soul. He didn’t often fight. But right now he was wrestling with his emotions as he swam in the night-time-only-illuminated pool on the estate. With a vengeance he propelled his body through the water powerfully, making waves and splashes. Swiftly, he’d swam another few laps with ease.

It was almost midnight. But hey, going for a late night swim on a summer night wasn’t all that unusual. Especially on his estate. Good thing they didn’t have neighbors for miles. He loved the sensation of moving his body through the water. Currently, he had a lot of pent up energy to burn off.

His mind was still swimming with effects of tonight’s wine and dinner with their guest, Blue Monroe. What a gal. She was hot. He’d seen beautiful women but she…was stunning. She had the type of skin deep beauty that elegantly shined. She wasn’t only physically gorgeous but she had a heart of refined gold. And it was a good thing while he was sitting across from her that she could not see the effect she was having on him below his waistline during their meal. He just kept looking at those precious full, ripe lips of hers. They looked juicy enough for him to want to suck on. The memory of their sweet kiss made Zack hard like steel again.

There he went again. He was supposed to be in control of his libido for a full month. It had only been twenty-nine days. Like hell that was going to be easy. Why was he so obsessed with this woman all of a sudden? It was as if she’d bewitched him with her beautiful charm and demeanor.

The truth was, he had taken a lot of cold showers the past month. That was why he’d kept his distance from her and tried to focus on work at the other site while handing over duties to his deputy manager. He’d better stay the hell away from her until he could master his feelings. Instead of the other way around. What else was he to do?
