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One month without sex? Without a chance of seducing Blue? Dios Mio! He had almost gone crazy out of his mind during that time.

His grandfather was right. He needed to take control of his actions. But face it, beautiful women were his weakness. He was a breathing, healthy man. How could that be so unusual? Yeah, but men often thought with the wrong head. That’s what got him into trouble in the first place, wasn’t it?

Selina. Shit! He’d done some wicked and wild things with her in Vegas. And yeah, she wanted to film everything. He thought it was kinky as hell, but he loved the idea of capturing it all on video. What an idiotic thing to do! Was it the thrill? The danger he lived for? His old gramps was right, though. Stuff like that could only spell trouble. Now it could ruin his business. He never once thought that she’d betray him or want to expose herself like that. It was true he had met the wrong women in his life. And now that he saw great potential in finding “the one,” she was unreachable. Off limits! How pathetic was that? Still, the Selina sex tape drama was still under surveillance. So far nothing had surfaced…yet!

Then Zack’s mind drifted further back to the time when he was in high school. Before he’d met his wealthy grandfather. There was a girl he liked in school, Michlene. She was hot—though nowhere near Blue’s dazzling appeal. He liked Michlene a lot. Hey, he was young, from a working class family and he liked to date. He had given his virginity to her. He thought she liked him. But then when things got rough with his old man and they ended up losing their home, it all went downhill from there. When the bailiff changed the lock on the door, they’d lost everything, including the clothes for school the next day. It was a disaster. But Zack still looked forward to making his way to class. He walked what seemed like a mile to get there but he just had to have a good friend. But word got out and she turned her back on him. Not only that, she’d taken someone else to the prom. “Mom says it’s better that we don’t see each other anymore,” she had squirmed when she told him, outside his locker one day.

“Why?” he said, hurt in his voice.

“Well, we’re not really compatible.”

“Oh, I get it. Because my dad’s broke? We’re no longer compatible.” It was one of the first times he remembered crying. Hey, he was a teen. The other kids were not exactly kind about it either. But after that heartbreak, Zack vowed never again was he going to get hung up over any girl. And he also vowed that he would have everything he needed.

Now, funny thing, women wanted to date him for what he had. They practically threw themselves at him. It wasn’t just after they’d had the fortune of meeting their grandfather, but he’d busted his butt and worked hard in the family business and discovered a way to turn the unused land at the manor into a successful vineyard. His grandfather never handed them anything on a platter. He told them that earning things in life instead of being handed everything made people more appreciative.

Zack pushed himself from the side of the pool and dipped back into the water, his heart racing as he swam another lap. His mind drifted back on his meeting earlier with the family’s press secretary, Pamela. “If you go further with the National Wine Awards, and this tape surfaces,” Pamela advised earlier, “it could spell disaster. You would go down as a National Award Winner with a sex tape scandal.”

He remembered he had winced at the thought. “On the other hand,” Pamela had continued, “if you back out now and keep a low profile and the tape surfaces, no one would be interested. You’d be just another businessman with a tape that is public. And they would see it as a violation of privacy from a private individual.”

“Yeah, but there isn’t much privacy being a Romero, now, is there?” Zack fired back, annoyed. Not that he was world famous or anything. He was known around town. But the National Wine Awards was an internationally recognized, world renowned organization. The Oscars of the Wine Industry.

He saw her point. “No way in hell, am I going to back out and lay low because of fear of what might happen. We Romeros rule our fear, not the other way around.”
