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“It was special, Zack. Oh, my God!” Blue grabbed her hair on top of her head. “It was amazing!”

“I thought you had a serious boyfriend before me.”

“He was…well, we just didn’t go all the way. That was one of the problems. I wasn’t ready yet,” she said bitterly. She bit down on her lip. “I found out that the reason he was so patient was he was…with some of the other women at work.”

“I’m very sorry to hear that, Blue. You deserve better. I’m glad you didn’t…go all the way with him. A decent woman should only give her precious self to man who treats her well, loves her, respects her and honors her. Nothing less,” Zack pressed, his tone serious, deliciously deep and commanding.

His words reverberated inside her. She hugged herself and tried to push the thought of Elliot out of her mind. She was with Zack now. Or was she? What exactly was Zack saying?

“What about you?” she asked, softly, looking out the window, trying to avoid his dark, sexy gaze. “Do you…honor and respect me?”

“More than you’ll ever know,” he said in a low, soft voice.

“That’s good to know,” she murmured.

“Real men are respectful. Real men treat women with the utmost respect they deserve. What few realize is that respect is always a two-way street. You want respect, you give respect. Yeah, I’ve made a few stupid mistakes in the past but I’ve always been upfront and open. No deception.”

Blue smiled and nodded her head thoughtfully. The man was deep. She had a good feeling about him all this time and now she realized she was right.

“Come here,” he said, stretching out his arm to her, a boyish grin on his lips. She walked over to him and sat on his knees. Feeling cozy, comfortable. A wide grin on her face now. “I’ve never been with a woman I respected more than you, Blue. You mean a lot to me.”

“I do?”

“Why does that surprise you?” he murmured.

“I don’t know, I just…” she shrugged her shoulders feeling shy.

“You’re not shy now after what we’ve just…had together, are you?” Zack playfully cocked a brow, squeezing her gently around her waist. She felt tickled and giggled.

He seemed to be deep in thought about something for a moment as if making some sort of assessment in his mind. Then he spoke softly to her. “Don’t ever do that again, Blue,” he said, leaning to her, pressing a soft kiss on her neck that sent her pulse racing.

“Do what?” she whispered, arching her neck, enjoying the silky feel of his touch.

“Surround yourself with people who don’t appreciate you,” he said.

“Wh-why do you think, I…”

“You have in the past. I can tell. You should never doubt yourself again. Never doubt your inner beauty and power. You’re a wonderful woman, Blue. You deserve the best. You’re worth it, Blue. You deserve to be only around people who treasure your presence.”

Not trash it, like Elliot, she finished for him in her mind.

It was true then, wasn’t it? It really showed. All that time with Elliot belittling her subtly and making her feel inadequate any way he could possibly find, wore down on her emotions, on her self-esteem without even realizing. Why? Because she had been too busy trying to please others, trying to make others happy and figuring if she couldn’t do that, something must be wrong with her. But it wasn’t. Something wasn’t wrong with her. Something was wrong with her relationships. But this was a new phase for her. Zack was right.

Blue always gave her best, she deserved better.

Moments later, Zack explained to her about his one month vow of celibacy. Blue didn’t know what to think at first. She thought it was some sort of mind game. He had reassured her that it had nothing to do with her. But he did not go further into any details.

“That’s remarkable!” she commented.

“What’s more remarkable is that fact that I’ve never been more attracted to anyone as you. Even all this time we were platonic.”

“Will you try the celibacy thing again?” she queried, looking into his eyes, amused.

“Hell, no! What do I look like to you?”
