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Blue burst out laughing, tilting her head back. Zack was one heck of a guy. She was glad to be knowing him out of his professional realm. She’d grown to appreciate that Zack may be from an affluent family and have impressive connections given his name, but he was a real guy. A playful guy with a great soul and a genuine warmth that was more sexually gratifying than any thing she’d known.

They embraced each other, gazing out at the moon over the dark sky and the twilight of the stars against the waning night. It was a perfect. Summer. Night.


Two more weeks had gone by at Romero Estate and Blue had delighted in her time with Zack. They’d made sweet passionate love every night since then, and each time, he’d shown her new things about her body and her feelings. Zack was truly an oh, so sexy incredible lover! Their bodies truly connected in a fascinating way. Being intimate with Zack was a delicious soul-satisfying experience. Blue felt giddy with radiant joy, every day, as cliché as that sounded. There was something to be said about the gratifying hormones the body releases to the brain to boost one's spirit when in a healthy relationship with someone who cares deeply about you.

Could this be it?

Was there really a chance for her to meet the right guy? After Elliot, Blue doubted her ability to attract a good man in her life, one who respected her, cherished her, understood her and supported her. Zack seemed to offer all of that.

How lucky she was. So there was hope after all.

Zack and Blue continued to work closely with the film project. She interviewed him on several occasions when he wasn’t nibbling on her neck or playing games with her. They got a remarkable amount accomplished way ahead of schedule.

To top things off, her sister, Courtney, seemed to be enjoying her time over at the Romero Resort with her new friends. Every day, Courtney would text her that things were cool and show share photo attachments of the two of them.

Blue also had a wonderful chance to sit down again with Toni.

“You are a good luck charm, my dear,” Toni had told Blue, his wife sitting by his side.

“Thank you, Toni,” she had said. “Thank you for believing in me and giving me a chance to work on the winery.”

She couldn’t understand at first why Toni was so interested in learning how she truly felt about Zack and her long-term plans relating to marriage but she tried to keep a cool head about it all and not jump to conclusions. She was feeling so good about herself and her life for the first time in her life since her parents died and since her nasty break-up with Elliot.

She just didn’t want to jinx herself, God forbid.

* * *

“So?” Courtney teased Blue after she’d gone shopping for back-to-school clothes. Her sister agreed to let Blue take her to the mall in Toronto for lunch so they could have a special sister's day together. Normally, Courtney hung out with her friends and shopped with them. She was excited about going in to college. Blue was even more thrilled that not only was she able to pay for the entire year for her sister, including the cost of those extremely expensive text books, but she had more time now that her project was wrapping up.

“So what?” Blue looked at her sister, incredulous.

“You still haven’t told me about you and Zack getting married,” she grinned, picking at her chicken fried rice. They decided on Chinese food.

Blue sighed, trying to hide her smile. She playfully rolled her eyes. “Courtney, Zack and I are…seeing each other but we’re sensible adults. We’re not rushing into anything.” Blue took in another mouthful of buttered shrimp, savouring the taste.

“Yeah, whatever.” Courtney rolled her eyes. “I see the way you guys look at each other whenever you’re together.”

“You’re not around us much.”

“Hmm-mmm. I know. Melissa and I have been visiting the vineyard when you’re not there to um…taste some of the grapes. We’ve heard the staff talk stuff.”

“Like what?”

“Oh, nothing, just…nothing.” Courtney gave a knowing grin and continued eating.

Gosh, was it that obvious?

Blue should be glad that Courtney was more relaxed now. After all, she was starting college soon and Blue wanted to see her sister safe.
