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“I already had my men set up things for you on this unique Web server,” Lucas instructed.

“Great. Do I go from here?”

“Click on that link where it says download,” he advised in a velvet-deep voice.

“Okay. Done.”

“Now. Once it's done downloading, save to a location on your desktop.”

Maxine did as he advised. Everything seemed to be going so smoothly but she knew this was only the beginning of the setup.

Lucas surveyed the screen to ensure that everything was downloading as intended. “Good. Let me take over from here.” He rolled Maxine's chair out of the way so he could hover over her keyboard.

Maxine was blown away by the speed of his fingers. It was rare to see a man who could type so fast. She'd read somewhere that he was some sort of a hacker but then again those were probably just rumors. She didn't believe everything she read in the tabloids.

When Lucas was done he leaned back and surveyed the screen. “Now, over the next few weeks we'll be working closely with you to develop the program fully. I'll send my tech guy over to spend some time with you going through the interface.”

Maxine's heart sank to the ground. “Tech guy? I thought…” she broke off.

“You thought what?” Lucas’s voice was commanding.

She was about to say that she thought…or hoped, Lucas would be the one to be spending time with her over the next few weeks to go over the software program with her but she stopped herself.

You don't want him, remember? So why do you care if he's going to be around you for the next few weeks are not?

“What was the name of that bungee jumping couple?” Lucas fired up the question so quickly she didn't really have time to think about it.

Her answer just flew out of her mouth before she could stop it.

“I shouldn’t have told you that,” Maxine said flatly after she revealed the couple’s surname.

"You don't have to worry about me breaking your confidence, Maxine.” Lucas's tone was brittle yet a smug grin touched his lips.

What was he going to do now? She hoped to God that Lucas was not about to interfere with the investigation. What was she doing talking to a Romero like that? She should've kept her mouth shut. This was her private business, not his.

"Oh, God, look at the time. It’s so late,” Maxine commented.

Lucas glanced at his expensive watch. He then reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a business card. He handed it to her so smoothly as if he was James Bond. A grin touched his lips.

“Be sure to call me if anything comes up.” His tone of voice was hard. If. Anything. Comes. Up. He had spoken the words so deliberately that it caused a chill to slither down Maxine’s spine. She’d read about his dangerous ways, too. He could be a real friend but woe be it if anyone messed around with his family…or his friends, she guessed.

Lucas Romero had connections everywhere.

She took the card from him. "Th-thank you. I…I don’t think I’ll be needing it, though.”

“Don’t count on that, Ms. Summers.” With those words, he extended his hand to shake hers. Their meeting was officially over, she supposed.

He gave her a firm handshake. So firm that she felt a surge of power shoot through her body.

Have mercy! This man had a lot of strength. He caught her by surprise by lifting her hand slowly and pressed his lips to the back of her hand. This well-dressed human deity was not only sexy but so charming as well. Electricity jolted through her body at his sexual touch. Oh, what a soft kiss. Was he teasing her with a sample of what he could offer?

It was a wonder that he wasn’t accused of getting more women pregnant, she humored.

Maxine was melting inside. How was she to respond? "Thank you,” she said softly. She felt a surge of heat rush to her cheeks. She hoped she wasn't blushing. She wished she had access to a mirror to be sure.

He eyed her salaciously before making his way out of her office. “I’ll see myself out.”

Maxine was beside herself. Lucas had caused so many emotions to stir within her over the past couple hours they'd just spent together. She wanted more of him. She needed to see more of him. What had she done? She should've asked him to stay longer. But no, she had work to do, a lot of work to do. And she knew he was busy and had lots of things to attend to himself. She was honored to be given a few hours of his time today of all days.
