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Just then Betty came back into the office with a couple of coffees in her hand. “Are you all right?” Betty placed the cups on the desk.

“I’m good, thanks,” Maxine said absently. “Well, the good news is that we'll be getting a new system in place over the next few weeks.”

“Yay,” Betty chimed in. “It’s about time. And what's the bad news?”

“Oh nothing. It's just that…” If I don’t get Lucas Romero inside me soon, I think I’m going to explode.

Maxine thought about her hormones running wild and chalked it up to the fact that she hadn’t been with a guy in almost two years. She’d been celibate way too long. Way, way too long. And now, the one guy who fueled the fireworks to explode inside her and was rocking her world without even knowing it had just walked out of her life again. How was she going to get with him now? Not that she really wanted to be involved with a local celebrity, but damn! Hot damn! She at least wanted to see him again. She was quickly becoming addicted to the way he made her mind spin and butterflies to flutter inside her.

“You like him, don’t you?” Betty leaned in with a grin.

“No. I don’t,” Maxine shot back sharply. She felt sorry for snapping at Betty who was only trying to make light of the situation. “Sorry, Betty, I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”

“I know. No worries.”

“Anyway, we’ve got tons of work to do before the new system goes live. I’m going to contact the advertising agency we used last year and see if they can do a little campaign on a budget for us. It’s the only thing we have going if we’re going to compete in the new market.”

“Tell me about it. Everything is self-serving these days. All you need is an Internet connection and a password to do anything and everything.”

“For sure,” Maxine said, lifting her latte to her lips. Her mind was still on Lucas, though. Would she ever see him again—besides on the Internet tabloid news?


Four weeks had passed since the sex scandal involving Lucas Romero became public. All eyes were on Lucas as he sat at the head of the long oval table in the boardroom with the sun beaming through the ceiling-to-floor windows. He casually leaned back in his leather executive chair with his knee propped up.

“So, what’s the verdict?” He turned to his team.

His grandfather insisted on attending the meeting along with his brothers Zack, Jules, Troy and Carl. Though the brothers didn’t always attend meetings together, one thing was for sure—they stuck together like a pack of wolves during tough times.

“We need to do damage control again,” Toni said firmly.

It had been a few good weeks since allegations that Lucas had gotten a young woman he’d met in a nightclub pregnant.

What did Lucas do?

He reluctantly followed the advice of his grandfather and the family’s spokesperson to lay low for a while.

He almost disappeared from the limelight. And it was a divine coincidence that a senator was engulfed in a political scandal that rocked the nation and dominated headlines, thus taking the spotlight off Lucas for a while. But still he would see reporters camped out at his family’s home or one of his condo buildings once in a while.

But as much as he wasn’t commanding headlines, he was still in hot water with some of his contractors.

Lucas sat in the boardroom of Romero Foundation on the forty-third floor of the tall glass high-rise in the downtown Toronto core. The view on the lakeside was breathtaking below. The July sky was a cloudless blue, yet Lucas’s mind was filled with dark clouds.

It had been four weeks and he still couldn’t shake Maxine Summers out of his system or his mind. He fought to keep his distance from her by having D’Andre, his tech, guy go over to the Dream Weddings, Inc. headquarters to personally help them get their new e-system up and running. Why hadn’t he done it himself? He had to get hold of his emotions and put things into control.

He had his connections look into who the heck was sending Maxine the hate mail, too. So far, they received some lukewarm leads but nothing substantial, yet. Lucas thought of himself as her guardian angel. Invisible. Yet present. A grin touched his lips at the thought.
