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Not everyone got those, but Gia had a big heart for stray puppies and stray CEOs. She deserved her happy ending, and he’d do whatever he could to make sure she got it.

He told himself that it wasn’t anything more than he’d do for a friend. Because that’s all they were—friends. He couldn’t let it be more—even though it was tempting.

In the end, she’d be gone. And he’d once more be alone. He couldn’t risk losing someone else he cared about. It was best to keep his beautiful houseguest at arm’s length.



That was the opposite of what she’d been hoping for.

The next morning, Gia squinted at the bright sunlight streaming through her bedroom window. She yawned and stretched. She had zero motivation to get out of bed. Her lack of sleep might have something to do with it.

After staring into the dark, she’d turned on her light and combed through her mother’s journal again, searching for any clue to the identity of her father. If she couldn’t find anything, how was Ric’s friend going to turn up anything? Still, when they’d returned from the café yesterday, Ric had helped her painstakingly scan the journal and email it to his friend.

Gia had all her hopes and dreams pinned on Ric’s friend working miracles. After all she’d been through, her journey just couldn’t end like this. There had to be a clue.

By the time she’d showered and spent a little more time than normal applying her makeup, she found Ric sitting out on the terrace, drinking his morning coffee. Well, not so much drinking as holding his coffee while staring blindly off into the clear blue sky. It seemed she wasn’t the only one that day with something on their mind.

And she felt guilty. She’d taken up a lot of his time and kept him away from his office. He needed to know that he didn’t need to stay here and babysit her. She and the pup would be just fine on their own.

Speaking of Gin, she hadn’t seen the little guy all morning. In fact, she hadn’t seen him since she’d finally slipped off into a restless sleep last night. As she stepped out onto the terrace, she was surprised to find him lying at Ric’s feet. Those two had certainly bonded. Immediately the puppy spotted her and ran over for some cuddle time. She bent over to pick him up.

“I’m sorry.”

Ric turned to her. “For what?”

“I fell asleep last night and didn’t notice that Gin had wandered off. I hope he wasn’t too much bother.”

Ric didn’t say anything for a moment. “He was fine once I got him out of my shoe closet. He seems to think my leather dress shoes are good chew toys.”

“Oh, no!” Gia pressed a hand to her chest. “I’m so sorry. Let me know how much they were and I’ll pay for them.”

Ric shook his head. “No need. It was my fault for leaving the door open.”

Gia frowned at Gin. “Naughty puppy. You have to be a good boy or Ric will toss us to the curb.”

When Gin started to wiggle, she put him down. Gia had an idea she wanted to run past Ric, but first, she needed caffeine.

In the kitchen she poured herself a cup of coffee, leaving barely enough room for sweetener and creamer. A swish of the spoon and then she eagerly lifted it to her lips. She drank in the steamy brew and moaned her glee.

With cup in hand, she returned to the terrace. Gin was hot on her heels. Ric was still sitting there, once again staring into space. Whatever he was thinking about definitely had a hundred percent of his attention.

“Mind if I join you?” she asked softly, so as not to startle him.

He lowered his cup to the small table and turned to her. He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Please do.”

Gin ran up to him and put his paws on his leg. The pup excitedly barked at Ric. The little guy was doing so well that they’d dispensed with his plastic cone.

Ric laughed and picked up the little dog, settling him on his lap. While those two went through their morning ritual, Gia made herself comfortable in the other chair. All the while, she tried to figure out what to say.

She raised her gaze to find Gin giving Ric a kiss. “I’d like to pay for the investigation. Whatever it is, just let me know.”

Ric shook his head. “That won’t be necessary.”

“But I insist.”

“There’s nothing to pay. My friend, Nate, and I have a mutually beneficial arrangement, so he’s doing it pro bono.”

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