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How could she turn him down when he was pleading with his eyes? He wanted this. He needed this to prove that his program worked in the real world. And her hotel really needed more business now that her sister—the almost-princess of Patazonia—was no longer running the wedding portion of the business.

“Okay. But on one condition—make that two conditions.”

“Which would be?”

“You take a shower and get some sleep. And I want to be a part of this. I want to know what you’re changing.”

He frowned at her. “That’s three conditions.”

She thought about it. “So it is. What do you say?”

“Sleep is overrated.”

She pressed her hands to her hips. “But showers aren’t.”

“Point taken. And I suppose a nap wouldn’t hurt. Coffee only goes so far.”

“Good. We can start when I get back. We’re starting to put the kitchen together.” She checked the time. “And I’m late. Get some rest.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He sent her a tired smile.

“I knew there was something I liked about you—you listen to me. Unlike someone else.” Her gaze moved to the puppy. “Come, Gin.”

The puppy didn’t move from Ric’s side.

“Gin.” She tried again to get the puppy to come to her, but she was having no luck. She definitely saw some puppy obedience classes in Gin’s future.

“Don’t worry,” Ric said. “He can stay with me.”

“Are you sure? He might keep you awake.”

“Between you and me, I’m so tired right now that I don’t think anything could wake me once I’m out.” His gaze moved to the puppy. He ran his hand over the pup’s back. “And he’s a good snuggler.”

“Aw... I was wondering where he snuck off to at night.”

“He climbs in my bed and steals a pillow.”

She smiled. So Mr. Independent, Mr. I-Don’t-Need-Anyone was hooked on the puppy. “Okay. You two be good. I’ve got to go.”

And out the door she went, anxious to see the beginning of her vision for the villa’s kitchen. But as excited as she was about the remodel, she couldn’t help thinking of Ric. Every day she saw a little more of the man behind the CEO persona, and she was drawn in a little more.

She told herself not to get attached because soon she’d be leaving.

But what would it hurt to enjoy the time she had left here in Lapri? And to enjoy the time she spent with Ric as they worked on marrying his program with her business?

* * *

This wasn’t good.

He couldn’t concentrate.

Ric told himself that his inability to focus was because he hadn’t taken a long enough nap like Gia had insisted upon. But the truth was, he was distracted by her closeness as they huddled around his computer.

She’d showered as soon as she’d returned from the villa. And now, as she leaned in close to read something on the screen, he inhaled the gentle floral scent of her perfume. Her short hair was still damp, and she hadn’t

slowed down to put on any makeup. Even without primping, she was the most beautiful woman that he’d ever seen. In fact, he preferred the natural look on her.

He’d caught himself more than once staring at her and thinking he wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and kiss her. Thankfully, she hadn’t seemed to notice he was distracted or that he’d hit the wrong key repeatedly, which wasn’t like him at all.
